Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of Trifluorothymidine-Resistant (TFT(sup r)) Mutants of L5178Y/TK(sup +/-) Mouse Lymphoma Cells. 1985
Do Trifluorothymidine-Resistant Mutants of L5178Y Mouse Lymphoma Cells Re-Express Thymidine Kinase Activity Following 5-Azacytidine Treatment (Journal Version). 1988
Evidence for Chromosomal Replicons as Units of Sister Chromatid Exchanges. 1989
Genes for Tumor Markers are Clustered with Cellular Proto-Oncogenes on Human Chromosomes. 1987
Genotoxicity of 2-Amino-6-N-Hydroxyadenine (AHA) to Mouse Lymphoma and CHO Cells. 1991
High Resolution Cytogenetic Characterization of the L5178Y TK+/- Mouse Lymphoma Cell Line. 1989
High Resolution G-Banded Chromosomes of the Mouse. 1987
High Resolution of Mouse Chromosomes: Banding Conservation between Man and Mouse (Journal Version). 1986
High-Resolution Cytogenetic Analysis of L5178Y TK+/-3.7.2C Cells: Variation in Chromosome 11 Breakpoints among Small-Colony TK-/- Mutants. 1989
High-Resolution Cytogenetic Characterization of the L5178Y TK+/- Mouse Lymphoma Cell Line. 1989
Molecular Dissection of Mutations at the Heterozygous Thymidine Kinase Locus in Mouse Lymphoma Cells. 1990
Mutagenicity of 'm'-AMSA and 'o'-AMSA in Mammalian Cells Due to Clastogenic Mechanism: Possible Role of Topoisomerase. 1987

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