Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12

Select Item Title Year Published
Aneuploidy : etiology and mechanisms / 1986
Aneuploidy etiology and mechanisms / 1985
Biosaline concept : an approach to the utilization of underexploited resources 1979
Comparative study of sampling devices for air-borne micro-organisms, 1945
Genetic control of environmental pollutants / 1984
Genetic engineering : principles and methods / 1979
Genetic engineering for nitrogen fixation / 1977
Genetic toxicology : an agricultural perspective / 1982
Inquiry into biological energy conversion : a report of a workshop held October 12-14, 1972, at Gatlinburg, Tenn., supported by the National Science Foundation under Research Applied to National Needs (RANN) Grant GI 35970 / 1972
Occupational monitoring for genetic hazards / 1975
Radiation biology / 1954
Trends in the biology of fermentations for fuels and chemicals / 1981

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