Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25

Select Item Title Year Published
1964 proceedings / 1965
Analysis of Inactivation of 'Giardia lamblia' by Chlorine. 1989
Barriers to the Transmission of Waterborne Disease. 1984
Chlorine dioxide for drinking water disinfection / 1989
Comparison of Animal Infectivity and Excystation as Measures of 'Giardia muris' Cyst Inactivation by Chlorine. 1985
Concerns with Using Chlorine-Dioxide Disinfection in the USA. 1990
Control of Waterborne 'Campylobacter jejuni' by Chlorine Disinfection. 1984
Disinfection and the Control of Waterborne Giardiasis. 1984
Disinfection Resistance of 'Legionella pneumophila' and 'Escherichia coli' Grown in Continuous and Batch Culture. 1985
Effect of Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide and Monochloramine on Rotavirus (SA-11) Inactivation. 1984
Factors Promoting 'In vitro' Excystation of 'Giardia muris' Cysts. 1984
Growth of 'Legionella pneumophila' in Continous Culture and Its Sensitivity to Inactivation by Chlorine Dioxide. 1984
Growth of 'Legionella pneumophila' in Continuous Culture. 1985
Inactivation of 'Campylobacter jejuni' by Chlorine and Monochloramine. 1986
Inactivation of microbial agents by chemical disinfectants 1986
Inactivation of microbial agents by chemical disinfectants / 1986
Inactivation of Particle-Associated Coliforms by Chlorine and Monochloramine. 1988
Inactivation of Simian Rotavirus SA11 by Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, and Monochloramine. 1984
Microbial Resistance to Disinfectants: Mechanisms and Significance (Journal Version). 1986
Microbial Resistance to Disinfectants: Mechanisms and Significance. 1985
Microbiological Risks Associated with Changes in Drinking Water Disinfection Practices. 1984
Response of Chemostat Grown Enteric Bacteria to Chlorine Dioxide. 1985
Strengths and Weaknesses of Using C-t Values to Evaluate Disinfection Practice. 1987
Susceptibility of Chemostat-Grown 'Yersinia enterocolitica' and 'Klebsiella pneumoniae' to Chlorine Dioxide. 1985
Waterborne transmission of giardiasis : proceedings of a symposium September 18-20, 1978 / 1979

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