Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28

Select Item Title Year Published
A database of historical benthic invertebrate biodiversity spanning 182 years in Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island and Massachusetts) / 2018
A literature review on occurrence and methodology for determination of nickel, chromium, manganese, and arsenic species in air / 1984
Chemical analysis and characterization of ambient particulate matter 0
Chronic Toxicity of Dursban 'Chlorpyrifos' to the Fathead Minnow 'Pimephales promelas' and the Resultant Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition. 1983
Comparison of Gas Chromatography/Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometric Gram-Schmidt Reconstructions from Different Interferometers. 1984
Development and evaluation of an analytical method for the determination of total atmospheric mercury 1972
Development of a large sample collector of respirable particulate matter / 1978
Evaluation of stationary source particulate measurement methods, volume 1 : portland cement plants / 1975
Evaluation of stationary source particulate measurement methods, volume IV : basic oxygen furnaces / 1979
Evaluation of stationary source particulate measurement methods, volume V : secondary lead smelters / 1979
Evaluation of Stationary Source Particulate Measurement Methods. Volume I, Portland Cement Plants. 1975
Fabrication, optimization, and evaluation of a massive volume air sampler of sized respirable particulate matter / 1978
Feasibility of developing source sampling methods for asbestos emissions / 1982
Feasibility of Developing Source Sampling Methods for Asbestos Emissions. 1982
Fishes of Arkansas 1988
In Situ Bioremediation of Perchlorate in Groundwater [electronic resource] / 2009
Inorganic compound identification of fly ash emissions from municipal incinerators / 1983
Inorganic Compound Identificatioon of Fly Ash Emissions from Municipal Incinerators. 1982
Literature Review on Occurrence and Methodology for Determination of Nickel, Chromium, Manganese, and Arsenic Species in Air. 1984
Method for measuring carbon fiber emissions from stationary sources / 1982
Method for Measuring Carbon Fiber Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1982
Mite Antigen Concentrations in House Dust and the Occurrence of Wheezing in Children with Dust Mite Allergy. 1993
Performance testing of three offshore skimming devices / 1978
Rocks and minerals of Pennsylvania / 1991
The ecology of intertidal flats of North Carolina : a community profile / 1980
Treatment of Waste Sludges from Water Purification Plants. 1972
Use of Respiratory-Cardiovascular Responses of Rainbow Trout ('Salmo gairdneri') in Identifying Acute Toxicity Syndromes in Fish Part 3. Polar Narcotics. 1989
Use of Respiratory-Cardiovascular Responses of Rainbow Trout ('Salmo gairdneri') in Identifying Acute Toxicity Syndromes in Fish: Part 2. Malathion, Carbaryl, Acrolein and Benzaldehyde. 1987

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