Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 43
Showing: Items 1 - 43
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Gutknecht AND W AND F)

Select Item Title Year Published
A report on the lead reference materials workshop : Washington, D.C., May 13-14, 1991 / 1991
Acute Toxicity of Lead Particulates on Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophages: Ultrastructural and Microanalytical Studies. 1983
An intercomparison of grinding techniques used for the preparation of lead-in paint samples / 1997
Approaches to Level 1 IR and LRMS Measurement and Spectral Interpretation. 1982
Collection Efficiency Evaluation of Mercury-Trapping Media for the SASS Train Impinger System. 1984
Demonstration of unsaturated and saturated groundwater flow modeling at a coal ash and dry FGD disposal site 1983
Development and Validation of a Test Method for Formaldehyde Emissions. 1990
Development of a Field Test Method for the Determination of Lead in Paint and Paint-Contaminated Dust and Soil. 1993
Evaluation of sampling methods for gaseous atmospheric samples / by E.D. Pellizzari, W. F. Gutknecht, S. Cooper and D. Hardison. 1984
Evaluation of Selected Gaseous Halocarbons for Use in Source Test Performance Audits. 1983
Evaluation of the Performance of Reflectance and Electrochemical Technologies for the Measurement of Lead in Characterized Paints, Bulk Dusts, and Soils. 1996
Evaluaton of Level 1 Analysis Procedures. 1981
IERL-RTP procedures manual : level 1 environmental assessment / 1978
Investigation of test kits for detection of lead in paint, soil and dust / 1993
Laboratory Evaluation of an Impinger Collection/Ion Chromatographic Source Test Method for Formaldehyde / 1983
Laboratory Evaluation of an Impinger Collection/Ion Chromatographic Surce Test Method for Formaldehyde. 1983
Laboratory evaluation of six new/modified portable x-ray fluorscence spectrometers for the measurement of lead in characterized paint films and research material boards / 1999
Laboratory evaluation of six new/modified portable x-ray fluorscence spectrometers for the measurement of lead in characterized paint films and research material boards : volume II - appendices / 1999
New Techniques for Imaging and Analyzing Lung Tissue. 1984
Outreach to Manufacturers of Lead Test Kits. 1993
Performance Audit Results for POHC (Principle Organic Hazardous Constituents): VOST (Volatile Organic Sampling Train) and Gas Measurement Methods. 1984
Pilot Field Study for the Assessment of Techniques Used for Field Measurement of Lead in Paint. Volume 1. Technical Report. 1997
Pilot Field Study for the Assessment of Techniques Used for Field Measurement of Lead in Paint. Volume 2. Appendices. 1997
Preliminary evaluation of the Scitec MAP-3, Warrington Microlead I, and Princeton Gamma-Tech XK-3 portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometers 1994
Preparation of Lead-Containing Paint and Dust Method Evaluation Materials and Verification of the Preparation Protocol by Round-Robin Analysis. 1993
Report on the State of Development, Availability, Evaluation and Future Use of Test Kits for the Measurement of Lead in Paint. 2006
Stability of organic audit materials and results of source test analysis audits--status report number 6 / 1984
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation materials for lead in paint / 1994
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation matierals for lead in dust / 1995
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation matierals for lead paint 1994
Standard operating procedure for solubilization of lead on dust wipes by hotplate acid digestion / 1995
Standard Operating Procedure for the Laboratory Analysis of Lead in Paint, Bulk Dust, and Soil by Ultrasonic, Acid Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometric Measurement. 1997
Standard operating procedures for lead in paint by hotplate- or microwave-based acid digestions and atomic absorption or inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry / 1991
Standard operating procedures for measurement of lead in paint using the SCITEC MAP-3 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer / 1991
Status report #4 : stability of organic audit materials and results of source test analysis audits / 1982
Status report #5 : stability of organic audit materials and results of source test analysis audits / 1983
Toxicity treatability of iron and steel plant wastewaters : a resource document / 1984
Toxicity treatability of iron and steel plant wastewaters : a resource document / 1984
Validation of an Emission Measurement Method for Inorganic Arsenic from Stationary Sources: Proposed Method 108. Laboratory and Field Test Evaluation. 1984
Variable thickness transient groundwater flow model user's manual : final report / 1981
Workshop report : identification of performance parameters for portable X-ray fluorescence measurement of lead in paint / 1992
Workshop Report: Identification of Performance Parameters for Portable X-ray Fluorescence Measurement of Lead in Paint. Held in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina on January 11-12, 1993. 1993
Workshop Report: Identification of Performance Parameters for Test Kit Measurement of Lead in Paint. Held in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina on January 12-13, 1993. 1993

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