Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Green AND A AND H)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acid deposition causes and effects a state assessment model : proceedings of a workshop, March 23-24, 1983 / 1983
An introduction to human anatomy / 1981
Behavior of DDT, Kepone, and Permethrin in sediment-water systems under different oxidation-reduction and pH conditions / 1981
Design, Fabricate, and Demonstrate an Instrument for Assaying Benzo(a)Pyrene (BaP). 1974
Development of on-shore treatment system for sewage from watercraft waste retention system / 1974
Economic analysis related to disposal of contaminated sediments on state-owned aquatic lands : Draft / 1997
Effect of artesian-pressure decline on confined aquifer systems and its relation to land subsidence 1964
Environmental performance at the bench : the EPA's record in federal court / 2000
EPA/IERL-RTP procedures manual : level 2 sampling and analysis of selected reduced inorganic compounds / 1979
Fifth National Conference, Water Resources Division proceedings, November 17-21, 1985, San Diego, California / 1986
Food processing waste management 1979
Ground-water pumpage and water-level changes in the Milwaukee-Waukesha area, Wisconsin, 1950-61 1965
Guidance for using continuous monitors in PM2.5 monitoring networks 1998
Hazardous Waste Disposal Program, Eighth Monthly Report. 1972
Laboratory and field evaluations of extrasensitive sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide analyzers for acid deposition monitoring / 1990
Landscape ecology and geographic information systems / 1993
Machinery's handbook : a reference book for the mechanical engineer, designer, manufacturing engineer, draftsman, toolmaker and machinist / 1992
Metric conversion handbook / 1978
Particulate clouds: dusts, smokes, and mists; their physics and physical chemistry and industrial and environmental aspects 1964
Perry's chemical engineers' handbook / 1999
Perry's Chemical engineers' handbook. 1984
Perry's chemical engineers' handbook. 2008
Perry's chemical engineers' handbook. 1997
Probable causes of trends in selected living resources in the Galveston Bay system 1993
Recovery of DDT, Kepone, and Permethrin Added to Soil and Sediment Suspensions Incubated under Controlled Redox Potential and pH Conditions (Journal Version). 1984
Regulatory Impact Analysis and Regulatory Support Document: Control of Air Pollution; Determination of Significance for Nonroad Sources and Emission Standards for New Nonroad Compression-Ignition Engines at or Above 37 Kilowatts (50 Horsepower). 1994
Respiratory Responses of Subjects with Allergic Rhinitis to Ozone Exposure and Their Relationship to Nonspecific Airway Reactivity. 1987
Review of LNAPL monitoring techniques in groundwater 1998
Sulfur dioxide levels during the energy crisis, October 1973 to March 1974 / 1974
Suspended particulate concentrations from high-volume air samplers and description of the network report for the year 1973 1974
Taxonomic atlas of the benthic fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel. 1993
Virology and rickettsiology 1978
Wisconsin : a summary of activities and plans of the United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey, 1976 / 1976

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