Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A new correlation of NH3, CO2, and H2S volatility data from aqueous sour water systems / 1980
A program for the environmental assessment of conventional combustion processes / 1978
A Review of the Scientific Literature As It Pertains to Gulf War Illnesses. 1998
A summary of land and water use trends and related research needs in the Green Bay region / 1975
Aerosols: Research, Risk Assessment and Control Strategies. Proceedings of the U.S.-Dutch International Symposium, Williamsburg, Virginia, May 19-25, 1985 (2nd). 1986
Air pollution by nitrogen oxides : proceedings of the US-Dutch international symposium, Maastricht, the Netherlands, May 24-28, 1982 1982
Air quality criteria for lead : supplement to the 1986 addendum / 1990
Alternate methods of manure handling / 1978
An illustrated guide to tidal marsh plants of Mississippi and adjacent states / 1981
Analog model prediction of the hydrologic effects of sanitary sewerage in southeast Nassau and southwest Suffolk Counties, New York 1977
Analog-model analysis of effect of wastewater management on the ground-water reservoir in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York : Report I : Proposed and current sewerage / 1976
Analog-model analysis of hydrologic effects of sewerage in southeast Nassau and southwest Suffolk counties, Long Island, New York 1975
Analysis of dredged wastes, fly ash and waste chemicals: New York metropolitan region 1970
Annotated bibliography on tidal flushing and circulation in marinas / 1980
Annotated guide to the barnacles of the northern Gulf of Mexico / 1986
Applied spectroscopy reviews. 1968
Assessment of selected water-quality and biological data collected in the Wichita River basin, Texas, 1996-97 2000
Assessment of selected water-quality and biological data collected in the Wichita River Basin, Texas, 1996-97 {electronic resource} / 2000
Bacteria in a North Carolina salt marsh : standing crop and importance in the decomposition of Spartina alterniflora 1978
Basis for Primary Air Quality Criteria and Standards. 1988
Bibliography of parasites, symbionts, diseases and biotic communities of North American marine shellfish 1986
Bibliography of water, land and socioeconomic information 1974
Case for fewer people : the NPG forum papers / 2006
Changes in Water Environment Resulting from Aquatic Plant Control. 1970
Chronic Neonatal Organotin Exposure Alters Radial-Arm Maze Performance in Adult Rats. 1982
Clear Creek Canyon Plan For The Future 1994
Closed system waste management for livestock / 1971
CMAQ in the States: A Preliminary Assessment of the CMAQ Program's Contribution towards Meeting Ozone Standards. Selected State Profiles. 1998
Comparisons of aboveground plant biomass on ungrazed pastures vs. pastures grazed by large herbivores, 1970 season / 1971
Comparisons of small mammal biomass at eight U.S. IBP grassland biome research sites, 1970 season / 1971
Concise encyclopedia of the American Indian / 1994
Contaminant hydrology : cold regions modeling / 2000
Critical health issues associated with review of the scientific criteria for carbon monoxide / 1989
Critical health issues associated with review of the scientific criteria for oxides of nitrogen / 1990
Critical health issues of criteria air pollutants / 1998
Culturematic : how reality TV, John Cheever, a Pie Lab, Julia Child, fantasy football, Burning man, the Ford Fiesta movement, Rube Goldberg, NFL films, Wordle, Two and a half men, a 10,000-year symphony, and ROFLcon memes will help you create and execute breakthrough ideas / 2012
Desktop data analysis with SYSTAT 1996
Destroying chemical wastes in commercial scale incinerators. 1978
Development and evaluation of improved fine particulate filter systems / 1985
Development and evaluation of improved fine particulate filter systems / 1985
Development of a Turbocharged Direct Injection Downsizing Demonstrator Engine / 2009
Dielectric behaviour of biological molecules in solution 1978
Dream teams : working together without falling apart / 2018
Ecological aspects of selected Crustacea of two marsh embayments of the Texas coast / 1971
Ecological modeling : a common-sense approach to theory and practice / 2008
Ecology and reclamation of devastated land; [proceedings] 1973
Effect of Low-Level Lead Exposure on Pediatric Neurobehavioral and Physical Development: Current Findings and Future Directions. 1987
Effectiveness of European union environmental policy 2000
Effects of forest practices on peak flows and consequent channel response a state-of-the-science report for western Oregon and Washington / [electronic resource] : 2008
Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Terrestrial Plants and Marine Organisms. 1989
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