Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Graham AND D AND E)

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Mycoplasma pneumoniae' Infection: Role of a Surface Protein in the Attachment Organelle. 1982
1978 needs survey : cost methodology for control of combined sewer overflow and stormwater discharges / 1979
Air quality criteria for oxides of nitrogen : final report. 1982
Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants. External Review Draft No. 2. Volume 1. 1985
Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants. External Review Draft. Volume 1. 1984
Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants. External Review Draft. Volume 4. 1984
Algae / 2000
Biomarkers of Inflammation in Ozone-Exposed Humans: Comparison of the Nasal and Bronchoalveolar Lavage. 1989
Cadmium as a Respiratory Toxicant. 1987
Cellular and Biochemical Changes in the Lower Airways of Subjects Exposed to Ozone. 1988
Changing Role of Animal Toxicology in Support of Regulatory Decisions. 1983
Chronic exposure to ozone causes restrictive lung disease. 1989
Climate Change Scenarios and Sea Level Rise Estimates For the California 2009 Climate Change Scenarios Assessment. A Paper From: California Climate Change Center. 2009
Comparative Hepatotoxicity of Inhaled Cadmium Chloride and Cadmium Oxide (Journal Version). 1987
Comparative Study of the Effects of Inhaled Cadmium Chloride and Cadmium Oxide: Pulmonary Response. 1987
Comparison of Lung Antioxidant Levels in Humans and Laboratory Animals. 1985
Effect of Ozone on Drug-Induced Sleeping Time in Mice Pretreated with Mixed-Function Oxidase Inducers and Inhibitors. 1981
Effect of Ozone on Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins in the Rat. 1985
Effects of electrical grounding on pipe integrity and shock hazard 1996
Effects of Fly Ash and Its Constituents on Sensory Irritation in Mice. 1982
Effects of Metals on Pulmonary Defense Mechanisms Against Infectious Disease. 1977
Epithelial Injury and Interstitial Fibrosis in the Proximal Alveolar Regions of Rats Chronically Exposed to a Simulated Pattern of Urban Ambient Ozone. 1992
Exposure of Humans to a Volatile Organic Mixture. 3. Inflammatory Response. 1992
External corrosion and corrosion control of buried water mains 2004
Extrapulmonary Effects of NO2 as Reflected by Pentobarbital-Induced Sleeping Time in Mice. 1980
Factors Regulating the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of 'Cladophora' and 'Ulothrix' in the Laurentian Great Lakes. 1983
Flow studies in air and water pollution, presented at the joint meeting of the Fluids Engineering Division and the Applied Mechanics Division {held at} Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, June 20-22, 1973. 1973
Functional and Biochemical Indicators of Pneumoconiosis in Mice: Comparison with Rats. 1984
Glutathione Peroxidase and Glutathione Transferase Activity in Rat Lung and Liver Following Cadmium Inhalation. 1987
Hazard Assessment Using an Integrated Physiologically-Based Dosimetry Modeling Approach: Ozone. 1987
Identification of Immunogens of 'Mycoplasma pneumoniae' by Protein Blotting. 1981
Immunotoxicity of Air Pollutants. 1984
Increased Pulmonary Disease Mediated through Altered Bacterial Defenses. 1977
Inflammatory Response in Human Lung Exposed to Ambient Levels of Ozone. 1988
Influence of Cadmium, Nickel, and Chromium on Primary Immunity in Mice. 1977
Influence of Exposure Patterns of Nitrogen Dioxide and Modifications by Ozone on Susceptibility to Bacterial Infectious Disease in Mice. 1987
Influence of Nitrogen Dioxide on Xenobiotic Metabolism in Animals. 1983
Influence of Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide on Hepatic Microsomal Enzymes in Mice. 1982
Influence of Ozone on Pentobarbital Pharmacokinetics in Mice. 1985
Influence of Ozone on Pentobarbital-induced Sleeping Time in Mice, Rats, and Hamsters. 1981
Inhalable Particles and Pulmonary Host Defense: 'In vivo' and 'In vitro' Effects of Ambient Air and Combustion Particles. 1985
Inhalation Studies of Mt. St. Helens Volcanic Ash in Animals. 1. Introduction and Exposure System. 1985
Integration of Species Sensitivity and Dosimetry Data in the Extrapolation of Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide Health Data from Animal to Man. 1984
Kilometer Pathlength Fourier-Transform Infrared System for the Study of Trace Pollutants in Ambient and Synthetic Atmospheres. 1978
Lubbock land treatment system research and demonstration project. 1986
Nasal Lavage as a Tool in Assessing Acute Inflammation in Response to Inhaled Pollutants. 1990
Optimizing corrosion control in water distribution systems 2004
Options to reduce high volume freshwater flows to the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries and move more water from Lake Okeechobee to the Southern Everglades [electronic resource] / 2015
Pacific island flying foxes proceedings of an international conservation conference / 1992
Particle size considerations for establishing a standard for inhaled particles / 1979
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