Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 80
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Select Item Title Year Published
A Method of calculating soil temperature under a cover of snow = Metod rascheta temperatury pochvy pod snezhnym pokrovom / 1961
Advances in physical organic chemistry. 1963
Agricultural value of dredged sediments : Final report / 1970
Alternative wastewater treatment for individual lots : part two of a series about onsite wastewater treatment alternatives. 2005
Analysis of carbon-14 and tritium in reactor stack gas / 1975
Analysis of Cyclopentafused Isomers of Benz(a)anthracene in Wood Smoke (Journal Version). 1987
Bacterial Mutagenicity of Aceanthrylene: A Novel Cyclopenta-Fused Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon of Low Molecular Weight. 1985
Bacterial Mutagenicity of New Cyclopenta-Fused Cata-Annelated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Identification of the Major Metabolites of Benz(j)Acephenanthyrylene Formed by Aroclor-Treated Rat Liver Microsomes. 1989
Benz(j)aceanthrylene: A Novel Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon with Bacterial Mutagenic Activity. 1983
Blue vinyl / 2002
Blue vinyl / 2002
Bulk sample analysis for asbestos content : evaluation of the tentative method / 1982
Bulk Sample Analysis for Asbestos Content: Evaluation of the Tentative Method. 1982
Comparative study of the impact of coal development on the way of life of people in the coal areas of eastern {Montana} and northeastern Wyoming 1974
Competition, Morphology and Canopy Structure in Wheat ('Triticum aestivum L.') and Wild Oat ('Avena fatua L.') Exposed to Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Radiation. 1988
Cyclopenta-Fused Isomers of Benz(a)anthracene Identification of Major Microsomal Metabolites. 1984
Detection of Occupational Exposure to Genotoxic Agents with a Urinary Mutagen Assay. 1983
Developments in Multidimensional Spatial Data Models [electronic resource] / 2013
DNA Adduct Formation, Metabolism, and Morphological Transforming Activity of Aceanthrylene in C3H10T1/2CL8 Cells. 1989
Eating clean2 overcoming food hazards : a consumer's guidebook : selected readings / 1987
Effects of emission standards on methanol vehicle-related ozone, formaldehyde, and methanol exposure 1988
Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Plant Competition in Terrestrial Ecosystems. 1983
Everyone's playing : citizen science and video games / 2016
Final project report for field evaluation of nitrogen removal septic systems for coastal communities 1990
Food chains, yields, models, and management of large marine ecosystems / 1991
Forms of upper surfaces of cloud layers and their relation to the temperature lapse rate in clouds = Formy verkhneei poverkhnosti oblachnykh sloev i ikh sviaaz' s vertikal'nym gradientom temperatury v oblackakh / 1962
Handbook of carcinogenic potency and genotoxicity databases / 1997
Handbook of household and structural insect pests / 2000
Headway in Spatial Data Handling 13th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling / [electronic resource] : 2008
Indoor air-assessment : indoor concentrations of environmental carcinogens. 1991
Induction of Anchorage-Independent Growth in Human Diploid Fibroblasts by the Cyclopenta-polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Benz(1)-aceanthrylene. 1990
Innovative and/or alternative wastewater treatment technologies for small systems : "a guide for managers & community leaders" / 2000
Interim method for the determination of asbestos in bulk insulation samples. 1982
Interim Report on the Savannah River Studies, 1955. 1957
Interim report on the Savannah River studies, July 1951 - July 1952 / 1954
Ion exchange for pollution control 1979
Large marine ecosystems : patterns, processes, and yields / 1992
Large marine ecosystems : stress, mitigation, and sustainability / 1993
Low-income households and energy use in California 1985
Mathematical modeling of biological systems : an introductory guidebook / 1977
Maximizing gene expression 1986
Memorandum Subject : Comment Requested on Draft Model Cost Recovery Consent Decree / 1991
Metabolic Activation Pathways of Cyclopenta-Fused PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) and Their Relationship to Genetic and Carcinogenic Activity. 1985
Metabolism and Activation Pathways of the Environmental Mutagen 3-Nitrofluoranthene. 1986
Meteorological research in the German Federal Republic (GFR) = Issledovaniia po meteorologii v Federativnoi Respublika Germanii / 1963
Michigan environmental law handbook 1994
Modulated Lamp System for Solar-UV-B(280-320nm) Supplementation Studies in the Field. 1983
Mouse Skin Tumor-Initiating Activity of Benz(e)aceanthrylene and Benz(l)aceanthrylene in Sencar Mice. 1984
Mouse Skin Tumor-Initiating Activity of Benz(j)aceanthrylene in SENCAR Mice. 1993
Mutagenesis and Morphological Transformation of Mammalian Cells by a Non-Bay-Region Polycyclic Cyclopenta(cd)pyrene and Its 3,4-Oxide1. 1980
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