Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 36
Showing: Items 1 - 36
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Glover AND Edward AND L)

Select Item Title Year Published
Determination of CO basic emission rates, OBD and I/M effects for tier 1 and later LDVs and LDTs : M6.EXH.009 / 2001
Determination of CO basic emission rates, OBD and I/M effects for tier 1 and later LDVs and LDTs : report number M6. EXH.009 : draft / 1999
Determination of methane offsets as a function of mileage for light-duty cars and trucks : M6.EXH.006 / 2001
Determination of NOx and HC basic emission rates, OBD and I/M effects for tier 1 and later LDVs and LDTs : final report M6. EXH.007 / 2001
Determination of NOx and HC basic emission rates, OBD and I/M effects for tier 1 and later LDVs and LDTs : M6. EXH.007 : draft / 1999
Determination of running emissions as a function of mileage for 1981-1993 model year light-duty cars and trucks : M6.EXH.001 / 2002
Determination of running emissions as a function of mileage for 1981-1993 model year light-duty cars and trucks : M6.EXH.001 : draft / 1999
Determination of start emissions as a function of mileage and soak time for 1981-1993 model year light-duty vehicles / 1997
Determination of start emissions as a function of mileage and soak time for 1981-1993 model year light-duty vehicles / 1999
Determination of start emissions as a function of mileage and soak time for 1981-1993 model year light-duty vehicles : M6. STE.003 / 2001
Development and use of heavy-duty defeat device emission effects for MOBILE5 and MOBILE6 : report number M6.HDE.003 / 1999
Development of heavy-duty NOx off-cycle emission effects for MOBILE6 : M6.HDE.003 / 2002
Draft analysis of heavy-duty diesel vehicle idle emission rates / 2003
Exhaust emission temperature correction factors for MOBILE6 : adjustments for engine start and running LA4 emissions for gasoline vehicles : M6.STE.004 / 2001
Exhaust emission temperature correction factors for MOBILE6 : engine start and running LA4 emissions for gasoline vehicles : draft / 1999
Final determination of hot running emission from FTP bag emissions : M6.STE.002 / 2001
Hot soak emissions as a function of soak time / 1998
Hot soak emissions as a function of soak time : M6.EVP.007 / 2001
MOBILE4 exhaust emission factors and inspection/maintenance benefits for passenger cars / 1989
MOBILE4 exhaust emission factors and inspection/maintenance benefits for passenger cars / 1989
MOBILE4 oxygenated fuels version : user's guide / 1989
MOBILE6 emission factors for natural gas vehicles : M6.FUL.004 / 2001
MOBILE6 inspection / maintenance benefits methodology for 1981 through 1995 model year light vehicles : M6.IM.001 / 2002
MOBILE6 inspection/maintenance benefits methodology for 1981 through 1993 model year light vehicles : M6.IM.001 : draft / 1999
MOBILE6.1 particulate emission factor model technical description : draft, M6. PM.001 / 2002
MOBILE6.1 particulate emission factor model technical description : final report / 2003
Soak length activity factors for diurnal emissions : M6.FLT.006 / 2001
Soak length activity factors for hot soak emissions : M6.FLT.004 / 2001
Soak length activity factors for hot soak emissions : report number M6. FLT.004 : draft / 1998
Soak length activity factors for start emissions : M6. FLT.003 / 2001
Technical description of the toxics module for MOBILE6.2 and guidance on its use for emission inventory preparation / 2002
The determination of hot running emissions from FTP bag emissions : draft / 1999
The results of Plumbtesmo tailpipe testing on ten vehicles misfueled with 0.1 gm/gal leaded gasoline / 1986
Trip length activity factors for running loss and exhaust running emissions : M6.FLT.005 / 2001
Understanding MOVES project level model : presentation for FACA, April 28, 2009 / 2009
Update to the determination of CO basic emission rates, OBD and I/M effects for tier 1 and later LDVs and LDTs : M6. EXH.012 / 2003

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