Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Gilliam AND R)

Select Item Title Year Published
Dietary Accumulation of PCBs from a Contaminated Sediment Source by a Demersal Fish ('Leiostomus xanthurus'). 1984
Effect of Agricultural Land Development on Drainage Waters in the North Carolina Tidewater Region. 1980
Evaluation of three fish species as bioassay organisms for dredged material testing 1984
Evaluation of Three Fish Species as Bioassay Organisms for Dredged Material Testing. 1984
Fate of Fenthion in Salt-Marsh Environments: 1. Factors Affecting Biotic and Abiotic Degradation Rates in Water and Sediment. 1989
High Time-Resolved Comparisons for In-Depth Probing of CMAQ Fine-Particles and Gas Predictions. 2004
Neighborhood Scale Air Quality Modeling in Houston Using Urban Canopy Parameters in MM5 and CMAQ with Improved Characterization of Mesoscale Lake-Land Breeze Circulation. 2004
Objective Reduction of the Space-Time Domain Dimensionality for Evaluating Model Performance. 2004
Overview of the Climate Impact on Regional Air Quality (CIRAQ) Project. 2004
Probability sampling to measure pollution from rural land runoff / 1980
Reduction in Sediment and Chemical Load Agricultural Field Runoff by Vegetative Filter Strips. 1994
Summary Report of the Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division's Research Activities for 2009. 2010
Summary Report of the Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division's Research Activities for 2010. 2011
Temporal Signatures of Air Quality Observations and Model Outputs: Do Time Series Decomposition Methods Capture Relevant Time Scales. 2004
Year-Long MM5 Evaluation Using a Model Evaluation Toolkit. 2004

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