Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 129
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Your Search: (AUTHOR=George AND D AND B)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Agroecosystem pilot field program plan - 1992 / 1994
Alum sludge in the aquatic environment 1991
An assessment of central-station cogeneration systems for industrial complexes / 1982
Anderson filter substrate weight loss / 1975
Apoptosis in Carcinogenesis and Chemotherapy Apoptosis in Cancer / [electronic resource] : 2009
Atmospheric emissions from chlor-alkali manufacture / 1971
Atmospheric emissions from wet-process phosphoric acid manufacture / 1970
Backwater at bridges and densely wooded flood plains, Alexander Creek near St. Francisville, Louisiana / 1979
Backwater at bridges and densely wooded flood plains, Yockanookany River near Thomastown, Mississippi 1979
Basic well log analysis for geologists / 1982
Basic well log analysis. 2004
Bergey's ManualĀ® of Systematic Bacteriology Volume Three TheFirmicutes / [electronic resource] : 2009
Biological criteria : technical guidance for streams and small rivers / 1996
Biological electrodes specific for phosphate and nitrite ions / 1976
Calculus / 1994
Carbon adsorption for VOC control / 1982
Case studies of modified disinfection practices for trihalomethane control 1990
Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1972 / 1974
Classics in coordination chemistry / 1968
Clean water using constructed wetlands in container nurseries : guidelines for construction, maintenance and costs. 2000
Compact, in-stack, three size cut particle classifier / 1977
Comparative study of air classifiers 1981
Comparison of DNA Adduct Levels in Human Placenta from Polychlorinated Biphenyl Exposed Women and Smokers in Which CYP 1A1 Levels Are Similarly Elevated. 1994
Compilation of air toxic and trace metal summary statistics / 1984
Computer methods for mathematical computations / 1977
Current Hypotheses and Research Milestones in Alzheimer's Disease [electronic resource] / 2009
Demonstration and evaluation of an automated infiltration gallery system at Port Hueneme, CA [electronic resource] / 2008
Destruction of hazardous chemicals in the laboratory 1990
Destruction of hazardous chemicals in the laboratory / 1994
Development and application of a simplified stormwater management model / 1976
Development and Evaluation Report: Physical-Chemical Marine Sanitation System. 1974
Drinking water criteria document for methoxychlor / 1985
Ecology of petroleum platforms in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico a community profile / 1982
Economic impact of a proposed change in lead effluent standards 1980
Effect of Ampicillin-Induced Alterations in Murine Intestinal Microbiota on the Survival and Competition of Environmentally Released Pseudomonads. 1989
Effect of RACT II environmental controls in Illinois, R 80-5 1981
Electrochemical Activation and Regeneration of Carbon Surfaces for Tertiary Water Treatment. 1971
Engineering design manual for solid waste size reduction equipment / 1982
Environmental data handling / 1975
Enzyme engineering 7 1984
EPA geospatial quality council strategy plan : FY-02 / 2001
Estimated Exposure to Ambient Carbon Monoxide Concentrations under Altenative Air Quality Standards. 1980
Estimating critical loads of sulfate to surface waters in the Northeastern United States : a comparative assessment of three procedures for estimating critical loads of sulfate for lakes / 1993
Estimating critical loads of sulfate to surface waters in the Northeastern United States : a comparative assessment of three procedures for estimating critical loads of sulfate for lakes / 1991
Estuarine and coastal marine waters : bioassessment and biocriteria technical guidance / 2000
Evaluation and comparison of overland flow and slow rate systems to upgrade secondary wastewater lagoon effluent 1978
Evaluation of a modified C14 technique for shipboard estimation of photosynthesis in large lakes 1962
Evaluation of microcosms for determining the fate and effect of benz(a)anthracene in aquatic systems 1982
Evaluation of potential infectious health effects from sprinkler application of wastewater to land : Lubbock, Texas : second interim report / 1983
Experiments in Green and Sustainable Chemistry / 2009
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