Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A flow-simulation model of the tidal Potomac River / 1987
A layman's look at water in Alabama / 1963
An appraisal of the possibilities of artificial recharge to ground-water supplies in part of the Roswell basin, New Mexico / 1964
Annotated bibliography on artificial recharge of ground water through 1954 / 1959
Apparatus and techniques for measuring bedload. 1964
Application of a parameter-estimation technique to modeling the regional aquifer underlying the eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho / 1986
Application of electrical and radioactive well logging to ground-water hydrology / 1963
Availability of ground water, upper Pawcatuck River basin, Rhode Island, 1966
Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, 1965
Bibliography and discussion of flood-routing methods and unsteady flow in channels 1964
Bibliography of publications relating to ground water, prepared by the Geological Survey and cooperating agencies 1946-55 1957
Chemical quality of surface waters in Pennsylvania / 1963
Chemical quality of surface waters in the Brazos River Basin in Texas / 1964
Chloroform contamination in part of the alluvial aquifer, southwest Louisville, Kentucky 1983
Compilation of record of surface waters of the United States through September 1950. Part 3-A: Ohio River Basin except Cumberland and Tennessee River Basins and Part 3-B: Cumberland and Tennessee River Basins. 1957
Compilation of records of surface waters of the United States through September 1950; Part 2-B : South Atlantic slope and eastern Gulf of Mexico basins, Ogeechee River to Pearl River 1960
Connector well experiment to recharge the Floridan aquifer, east Orange County, Florida 1983
Contributions to the hydrology of the United States 1931 1932
Contributions to the hydrology of the United States : 1914- 1915
Controls on phosphorous mobility in the Potomac River near the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant 1984
Delaware River water quality Bristol to Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, August 1949 to December 1963 / 1965
Delaware water 1966
Determination of discharge during pulsating flow / 1968
Determination of the Manning coefficient from measured bed roughness in natural channels, 1970
Discharge characteristics of triangular-notch thin-plate weirs : studies of flow to water over weirs and doms / 1981
Drought of the 1950's with special reference to the mid-continent, 1965
Elimination of thermal stratification in reservoirs and the resulting benefits : with special emphasis on study of Lake Wohlford, California 1965
Estimated effects of projected ground-water withdrawals on movement of the saltwater front in the Floridan aquifer, 1976-2000, west-central Florida / 1982
Evaluation of environmental factors affecting yields of major dissolved ions of streams in the United States 1984
Field measurement of alkalinity and pH / 1964
Flood peak runoff and associated precipitation in selected drainage basins in the United States. 1965
Floods of January-February 1963 in California and Nevada 1966
Floods of June 1964 in northwestern Montana 1967
Fluvial sediment in Kiowa Creek Basin, Colorado / 1964
Fluvial sediment in Ohio 1978
Fluvial sediment in Salem Fork watershed, West Virginia / 1972
Fluvial sediment in the drainage area of K-79 reservoir Kiowa Creek Basin Colorado 1968
Fluvial sediment in the little Arkansas River Basin, Kansas / 1966
Fluvial sediment of the Mississippi River at St. Louis, Missouri, by Paul R. Jordan. 1965
Galleries and their use for development of shallow ground-water supplies, with special reference to Alaska 1964
Geochemistry of natural waters of the Blue Grass region, Kentucky, 1964
Geology and availability of ground water in the northern part of the White Sands Missile Range and vicinity, New Mexico / 1965
Geology and ground water in the central part of Apache County, Arizona, 1964
Geology and ground-water resources of Baca County, Colorado / 1954
Geology and ground-water resources of Dane County, Wisconsin / 1965
Geology and ground-water resources of Lee and Sumter Counties, southwest Georgia 1963
Geology and ground-water resources of Montgomery County, Alabama / 1963
Geology and ground-water resources of Nobles County and part of Jackson County, Minnesota / 1964
Geology and ground-water resources of Ogden Valley, Utah 1937
Geology and ground-water resources of Prowers County, Colorado / 1965
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