Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Gaynor AND J AND E)

Select Item Title Year Published
Combining a Monostatic Sodar with a Radar Wind Profiler and RASS in a Power Plant Pollution Study. 1995
Comparison of Wind Monitoring Systems. Part 1. In situ Sensors. 1986
Comparison of Wind Monitoring Systems. Part 2. Doppler Sodars. 1986
Convective Diffusion Field Measurements Compared with Laboratory and Numerical Experiments. 1986
Evaluation of Wind Measurements by Four Doppler Sodars. 1984
Field Measurements in Three Dimensions of Plume Dispersion in the Highly Convective Boundary Layer. 1985
Ground-Based Remote Sensor QA/QC at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory. 1995
Identification of hazardous waste disposal sites and management practices in Region 10, 1940-1975 / 1979
International Sodar Intercomparison Experiment. 1990
Lower tropospheric data compatibility : low-level intercomparison experiment, commonly called the Boulder Low-level Intercomparison Experiment [BLIE] : workshop and comparisons, Boulder, CO (USA), 20 August to 6 September 1979 / 1980
Meteorological Measurements in the Vicinity of a Coal Burning Power Plant. 1995
Project CONDORS : Convective diffusion observed by remote sensors / 1986

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