Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28

Select Item Title Year Published
A Toxicity evaluation of lower Fox River water and sediments / 1986
Accumulation of PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls), Mercury and Cadmium by 'Nereis virens', 'Mercenaria mercenaria', and Palaemonetes pugio' from Contaminated Harbor Sediments. 1983
Ambient Air Measurements of Hydrogen Peroxide in the California South Coast Air Basin. 1978
Analysis of a Marine Fish Cell Line from a Male Sheepshead. 1980
C-Banding of Chromosomes from Three Established Marine Fish Cell Lines. 1980
Dietary Accumulation of PCBs from a Contaminated Sediment Source by a Demersal Fish ('Leiostomus xanthurus'). 1984
Effects of Chlorpyrifos on Field- and Laboratory-Developed Estuarine Benthic Communities. 1982
Effects of Pentachlorophenol on Field- and Laboratory-Developed Estuarine Benthic Communities. 1981
EPA industrial boiler FGD survey. 1978
EPA Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Survey. 1981
EPA Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Survey. 1981
EPA Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Survey: October - December 1980. Volume II. Design and Performance Data for Operational FGD Systems. 1981
EPA utility FGD survey : April-June 1980 / 1980
EPA utility FGD survey : January - March 1980 / 1980
EPA utility FGD survey : July - September 1980 / 1980
EPA utility FGD survey : October - December 1979 / 1980
EPA utility FGD survey : October - December 1980 / 1981
EPA utility FGD survey, February-March 1978 / 1978
EPA utility FGD survey, July-September 1981 / 1982
EPA Utility FGD Survey: July-September 1981. 1981
Evaluation of three fish species as bioassay organisms for dredged material testing 1984
Evaluation of Three Fish Species as Bioassay Organisms for Dredged Material Testing. 1984
Leachate from Co-Disposal of Municipal and Hazardous Waste in Landfill Simulators. 1982
Summary of available information on the levels and control of toxic pollutant discharges in the printing and publishing point source category / 1983
Technical guidance document : construction quality management for remedial action and remedial design waste containment systems. 1992
The McGraw-Hill handbook of essential engineering information and data / 1991
Time series analysis : forecasting and control / 1994
United States Great Lakes Tributary Loadings. 1978

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