Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 65
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Select Item Title Year Published
1995 Rocky Mountain Symposium on Environmental Issues in Oil and Gas Operations : practical solutions for the '90's : proceedings : Golden, Colorado, USA, October 16-18, 1995 / 1995
Aerobic digestion of organic waste sludge / 1972
Application of Cluster Analysis to Aerometric Data (Journal Version). 1986
Application of Cluster Analysis to Aerometric Data. Volume II. Part 3: Modifications and Options Applied to Wolfe's NORMIX 360 Cluster Analysis Program. 1980
Application of Cluster Analysis to Aerometric Data. Volume III. Part 4: Separation of Environmental Data into Clusters by the NORMIX Program. 1980
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : diagnostic evaluation of In situ SVE-based system performance : project summary / 1996
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : In situ SVE-based systems for free product recovery and residual hydrocarbon removal / 1996
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : In situ SVE-based systems for free product recovery and residual hydrocarbon removal : project summary / 1996
Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: Diagnostic Evaluation of In situ SVE-Based System Performance. 1996
Assessing UST Corrective Action Technologies: In situ SVE-Based Systems for Free Product Recovery and Residual Hydrocarbon Removal. 1996
Assessment of national and regional acid deposition precursor emission trends / 1989
Assessment of national and regional acid deposition precursor emission trends {Microfiche} 1989
Bioremediation series cumulative indices : 1991-1995 / 1995
Characterization of changes to bottomland hardwood forests and forested wetlands in the Cache River, Arkansas, watershed 1995
Comparison of Wind Monitoring Systems. Part 1. In situ Sensors. 1986
Comparison of Wind Monitoring Systems. Part 2. Doppler Sodars. 1986
Determination of effects of ambient conditions on aircraft engine emissions engine testing [microform] / 1977
Determination of Ethylene Thiourea (ETU) in Water using Gas Chromatography with a Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector. Method 509. Revision 1.0. 1992
Direct-seeding of commercial trees on surface-mine spoil / 1980
Energy, public choices, and environmental data needs : performed for Western Energy and Land Use Team, Office of Biological Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior 1977
Environmental economics : an integrated approach / 2014
Environmental policy / 1981
Evaluation of HFC 245ca and HFC 236ea as Foam Blowing Agents. 1994
Evaluation of recent approaches for the design of biological waste treatment, 1972
Evaluation of Wind Measurements by Four Doppler Sodars. 1984
Extensions of mathematical programming for regional water quality management / 1972
Ground-water resources in Lajas Valley, Puerto Rico 1991
Guidebook, 8th Annual Field Conference : Crazy Mountain basin / 1957
Habitat suitability index models : bullfrog / 1987
Habitat suitability index models Snapping turtle / 1987
Handbook of teratology 1977
Health and air quality : evaluating the effects of policy 1981
How to succeed in business without being white : straight talk on making it in America / 1998
Hydrogeology in the vicinity of test holes and wells on St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands 1996
Hydrology of south-central St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands 1994
Integrated Emissions Model System for Analysis of Acid Deposition Control Strategies. 1984
Marsupial Genetics and Genomics [electronic resource] / 2010
Meeting Atmospheric Modeling Requirements for Utility Data. 1986
Method 515.3: Determination of Chlorinated Acids in Drinking Water by Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Derivatization and Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection. Revision 1.0. 1996
National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) Utility Reference File, 1980. 1986
National Air Pollution Background Network 1976-1980. 1982
Ocular ultraviolet effects from 295 nm to 400 nm in the rabbit eye. 1977
Potentiometric surface of the Turpentine Run basin aquifer in the Tutu area, eastern St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, September 11, 1987 1988
Proceedings 1982
Proceedings : 1994 Rocky Mountain Symposium on Environmental Issues in Oil and Gas Operations : soft footprints for the '90's : Golden, Colorado, USA, July 11-13, 1994 / 1994
Proceedings of the NWWA/API Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water--Prevention, Detection, and Restoration : November 17-19, 1987, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Houston, Texas / 1987
Proceedings of the NWWA/API Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water--Prevention, Detection, and Restoration November 13-15, 1985, the Westin Galleria, Houston, Texas / 1986
Proceedings, 1980 Symposium on Surface Mining Hydrology, Sedimentology, and Reclamation, December 1-5, 1980 1980
Proceedings, 1981 Symposium on Surface Mining Hydrology, Sedimentology, and Reclamation, December 7-11, 1981 1981
Proceedings, 1983 Symposium on Surface Mining--Hydrology, Sedimentology and Reclamation, November 28-December 2, 1983 1983
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