Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
Showing: Items 1 - 34

Select Item Title Year Published
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
Aerobic secondary treatment of plywood glue wastes / 1973
Air Pollutants Exposure model documentation (APEX, Version 5.2) 2023
Air Pollutants Exposure model documentation (APEX, version 5.2). 2019
Capacity of Water-Based Recreation Systems. Part I: The State of the Art. A Literature Review. 1974
CERCLA enforcement : a practitioner's compendium of essential EPA guidance and policy documents / 1996
Dose Response of Elastase-Induced Emphysema in Hamsters. 1981
Fifty years at the US Environmental Protection Agency : progress, retrenchment, and opportunities / 2021
Flathead River Fishery Study, April 1981 1981
Flathead River fishery study, April 1981 / 1981
Greening of industry : a risk management approach / 1997
Harnessing science for environmental regulation 1991
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization : proceedings, October 19-20, 1998, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA / 1998
In search of safety chemicals and cancer risk / 1988
Incinerating municipal solid waste a health benefit analysis of controlling emissions : a report prepared under contract for CRS / 1989
Laboratory evaluation of the solar incinerability of hazardous organic wastes : final report 1986
Legislating acceptable cancer risk from exposure to toxic chemicals 1992
Particle size considerations for establishing a standard for inhaled particles / 1979
Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals : technical aspects, policies, and practices / 2016
Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) chemicals : technical aspects, policies, and practices / 2016
Recommendations for improving cancer risk assessment. 1992
Report of an Investigation of Direct Recirculation on a High-Rate Trickling Filter, Webster City, Iowa. 1951
Risk versus risk : tradeoffs in protecting health and the environment / 1997
Role of epidemiology in regulatory risk assessment : proceedings of the Conference on the Proper Role of Epidemiology in Risk Analysis, Boston, MA, U.S.A., 13-14 October 1994 / 1995
Seasonal growth and uptake of nutrients by orchardgrass irrigated with wastewater 1981
Socioeconomic analysis of hazardous waste management alternatives : methodology and demonstration / 1981
Sulfatases of microbial origin 1982
The Consolidated Human Activity Database (CHAD) : documentation and users' guide / 2019
The global rise of the modern plug-in electric vehicle : public policy, innovation and strategy / 2021
The practices of happiness political economy, religion and wellbeing / [electronic resource] : 2011
The use of water in Pennsylvania, 1951 / 1953
Trend analysis of ozone in EPA Region 1 using 1983-1997 ozone data / 1998
Water resources of the Lake Erie shore region in Pennsylvania, 1952

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