Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (AUTHOR=GLERL AND contribution)

Select Item Title Year Published
An ecological model for Lake Ontario model formulation, calibration, and preliminary evaluation / 1976
Eastern Lake Superior chemical and physical characteristics data for 1968 / 1980
Great Lakes degree-day and temperature summaries and norms, 1897-1977 / 1980
Great Lakes water temperatures, 1966-1975 / 1976
Harbor and nearshore currents, Oswego Harbor, New York / 1976
Lake Erie beginning-of-month water levels and monthly rates of change of storage / 1976
Lake Erie chemical and physical characteristics data for 1965 / 1980
Lake Erie chemical and physical characteristics data for 1967. 1980
Lake Huron chemical and physical characteristics data for 1966 / 1980
Lake Ontario beginning-of-month water levels and monthly rates of change of storage / 1976
Lake St. Clair beginning-of-month water levels and monthly rates of changes of storage / 1976
Lake St. Clair hydrologic transfer factors / 1976
Long-range forecasting of maximum ice extent on the Great Lakes / 1976
Measurements of current flow during summer in Lake Huron / 1975
Northern Lake Michigan chemical and physical characteristics data for 1970. 1980
Southern Lake Michigan chemical and physical characteristics data for 1975 / 1980
Western Lake Superior chemical and physical characteristics data for 1969. 1980

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