Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 288
Showing: Items 151 - 200

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Select Item Title Year Published
Leachate clogging assessment of geotextile and soil landfill filters 1995
Leachate clogging assessment of geotextile and soil landfill filters : project summary / 1995
Lead poisoning prevention & treatment : implementing a national program in developing countries : proceedings of the International Conference on Lead Poisoning Prevention & Treatment, February 8-10, 1999, Bangalore, India / 1999
Leather tannery waste management through process change, reuse and pretreatment. / 1977
Legislating acceptable cancer risk from exposure to toxic chemicals 1992
Local management of wetlands : environmental considerations / 1973
Los Angeles aerometric ozone data, 1955-1972 1973
Louisville, Ky.--Ind. Metropolitan Region Solid Waste Disposal Study. Volume I. Jefferson County, Kentucky. 1970
Lubbock land treatment system research and demonstration project. 1986
Macrolevel ecosystem models in relation to man : a preliminary analysis of concepts and approaches / 1972
Making Nature Whole A History of Ecological Restoration / [electronic resource] : 2011
Massachusetts Institute of Technology wavelength tables : with intensities in arc, spark, or discharge tube of more than 100,000 spectrum lines most strongly emitted by the atomic elements under normal conditions of excitation between 10,000 A. and 2000 A., arranged in order of decreasing wavelengths / 1969
Measuring the Intangible Values of Natural Streams. Part I. Application of the Uniqueness Concept. 1971
Measuring the Intangible Values of Natural Streams. Part II. Preference Studies and Completion Report. 1973
Mechanism of Waste Treatment at Low Temperature. Part A: Microbiology. 1972
Metabolism of 1-Nitropyrene by Human, Rat, and Mouse Intestinal Flora: Mutagenicity of Isolated Metabolites by Direct Analysis of HPLC Fractions with a Microsuspension Reverse Mutation Assay. 1990
Metal hydrides. 1968
Methodology for Evaluating Potential Human Health Effects of Microorganisms That Degrade Hazardous Wastes. 1987
Methods for nonconventional pesticide analysis of industrial and municipal wastewater / 1983
Methods of dissolved oxygen budget analysis for assessing effects of dredged material disposal on biological community metabolism : final report / 1975
Methods of operations research 1951
Methods used to estimate air pollutant emissions 1974, 1980, 1985, and 2000 : New Jersey - New York - Connecticut Air Quality Control Region. / 1977
Microstraining and disinfection of combined sewer overflows, 1970
Missouri environmental law handbook 2001
Model clearinghouse : operational plan. 2016
NAPL : simulator documentation / 1997
National Environmental Specimen Bank. Proceedings of the Joint EPA/NBS Workshop on Recommendations and Conclusions on the National Environmental Specimen Bank Held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland on August 19-20, 1976. 1978
Natural precipitation washout of sulfur compounds from plumes / 1973
Neurotoxic effects of controlled exposure to a complex mixture of volatile organic compounds / 1990
Nevada Particulate Control Study for Air Quality Maintenance Areas. Reno and Las Vegas Urban Areas. 1977
New York Bight suspended matter and oceanographic data, 1973-1974 : total suspended matter, traverse stations, June 1974, and prior cruises : total suspended matter and physical oceanographic data, June-July 1974 cruise : total suspended matter, December, 1974 cruise / 1978
Nitrogen Oxides Reactions within Urban Plumes Transported over the Ocean. 1983
Optimizing chemical laboratory performance through the application of quality assurance principles : proceedings of a symposium, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 94th annual meeting, October 22-23, 1980, Washington, D.C. / 1980
Oxygen Transfer through Flexible Tubing and Its Effects on Ground Water Sampling Results (Journal Version). 1988
Ozone plumes from small cities and ozone in high pressure weather systems / 1983
Particulate sizing techniques for control device evaluation : cascade impactor calibrations / 1976
Patterson's German-English dictionary for chemists / 1992
Peat mining : an initial assessment of wetland impacts and measures to mitigate adverse effects / 1981
Peat mining : an initial assessment of wetland impacts and measures to mitigate adverse effects / 1981
People of the three fires : the Ottawa, Potawatomi and Ojibway of Michigan / 1986
Perfumes, cosmetics, and soaps 1974
Permeability Restoration in Underground Disposal Reservoirs. 1973
Perspective on the current airborne sulfate problem : a survey of current knowledge 1977
Pesticide litigation manual 1993
Plan for a National Environmental Specimen Bank / 1978
Planktonic rotifera of Ontario with keys to genera and species 1971
Pleistocene stratigraphy of northwestern Pennsylvania / 1969
Potentiation of 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Genotoxicity in Fischer 344 Rats by Pretreatment with Pentachlorophenol. 1991
Potentiation of 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Genotoxicity in Fischer 344 Rats by Pretreatment with Pentachlorophenol. 1991
Potentiation of 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Genotoxicity in Fischer-344 Rats by Pretreatment with Aroclor 1254. 1993
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