Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29
Your Search: (AUTHOR=GEE AND D)

Select Item Title Year Published
A user's guide to environmental immunochemical analysis / 1994
Assessment of unsaturated zone transport for shallow land burial of radioactive waste summary report of technology needs, model verification and measurement efforts (FY78-FY83) / 1984
Cell Therapy cGMP Facilities and Manufacturing / [electronic resource] : 2009
Challenges and solutions to monitoring indoor pollution 2001
Concentration of Effluents in a Plume as Predicted by a Model and Observed in Field. 1969
Control technology evaluation for gasoline loading of barges / 1979
Defense technology for environmental protection / 1976
Defense technology for environmental protection. 1974
Defense Technology for Environmental Protection. 1974
Defense Technology for Environmental Protection. Volume I. 1976
Defense Technology for Environmental Protection. Volume II. Bibliography. 1976
Economics of cropping systems for western Colorado 1969
Estimating leachate production from closed hazardous waste landfills / 1986
Estimating Leachate Production from Closed Hazardous Waste Landfills. 1986
Evaluation of control technology for benzene transfer operations / 1978
In-situ remediation : scientific basis for current and future technologies : thirty-third Hanford Symposium on Health and the Environment, November 7-11, 1994, Pasco, Washington, U.S.A. / 1994
Kinetics of algal systems in waste treatment. Phoshorus as a growth-limiting factor, part I. 1970
Late lessons from early warnings : the precautionary principle 1896-2000 / 2001
Moisture and textural variations in unsaturated soils/sediments near the Hanford Wye barricade 1985
Occupational lung disease 1984
Organization of communities past and present / 1987
Scintillation Fluid Recycling Program. Final Report. 1995
Therapeutic Resistance to Anti-Hormonal Drugs in Breast Cancer New Molecular Aspects and their Potential as Targets / [electronic resource] : 2009
Tracing Ni, Cu, and Zn kinetics and equilibrium partitioning between dissolved and particulate phases in South San Francisco Bay, California, using stable isotopes and high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry / 2002
TSCA section 5 and 8 inspection standard operating procedures / 1988
Unsaturated moisture and radionuclide transport : laboratory analysis and modeling / 1981
Vadose Zone transport field study : detailed test plan for simulated leak tests / 2000
Water balance at an arid site a model validation study of bare soil evaporation / 1984
Wood waste for energy study : executive summary 1979

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