Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (AUTHOR=G AND E AND Anderson)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Toxicity evaluation of lower Fox River water and sediments / 1986
Air Quality Impacts of Anticipated Development in Oil Shale Operations in Western Colorado and Eastern Utah, Final Report 1981
Air Quality in the Denver Metropolitan Region 1974-2000. 1977
Air quality in the Denver Metropolitan Region : 1974-2000 / 1977
Assessment of VOC emissions from well vents associated with thermally enhanced oil recovery : final report / 1981
Chronic Effects of Inorganic and Organic Mercury on 'Daphnia magna': Toxicity, Accumulation, and Loss. 1982
Continued Research in Mesoscale Air Pollution Simulation Modeling. Volume 5. Refinements in Numerical Analysis, Transport, Chemistry, and Pollutant Removal. 1984
Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the iron and steel manufacturing point source category [electronic resource]. 2002
Economic analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the iron and steel industry / 2002
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields : the question of cancer / 1990
Factors in the Determination of Selected Trace Elements in Near-Shore U. S. Waters of Lakes Superior and Huron. 1978
Ground-water and surface-water interactions along Rapid Creek near Rapid City, South Dakota 1999
Human Exposure to Atmospheric Concentrations of Selected Chemicals. Volume 1. 1983
Manganese Dioxide Coated Filters for Removing Radium from Drinking Water. 1988
Methods for aquatic toxicity identification evaluations : phase I : toxicity characterization procedures / 1991
Public hearing : proposed airborne carcinogen policy. 1980
Public hearing : proposed airborne carcinogen policy. 1980
Recent Advances in Retinal Degeneration [electronic resource] / 2008
Retinal Degenerative Diseases Laboratory and Therapeutic Investigations / [electronic resource] : 2010
Retinal Degenerative Diseases [electronic resource] / 2006
Review of the Current Status of Marine Algal Toxicity Testing in the United States. 1993
Source apportionment techniques and consideration in combining their use / 1984
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency public hearing on proposed national emission standards for identifying, assessing and regulating airborne substances posing a risk of cancer and advanced notice of proposed generic standards. 1980

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