Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'The Federal Task Force for Hazardous Materials Management' of the Western Federal Regional Council, Region IX, August 1, 1973 to June 30, 1977. Final Report. 1978
... The copepods of the Woods Hole region, Massachusetts, 1932
1. Some known and three new endoparasitic trematodes from American fresh-water fish 1911
1. The occurrence of a proliferating cestode larva (Sparganum proliferum) in man in Florida 1908
100 years of recycling history; from Yankee tincart peddlers to Wall Street scrap giants, 1974
1491 : new revelations of the Americas before Columbus / 2005
1968 Geologic map of West Virginia / 1968
1968 National Survey of Community Solid Waste Practices, Region 1. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont. 1969
1968 National Survey of Community Solid Waste Practices. Region 2. Delaware, New Jersey, New York: Volume 1. 1969
1968 National Survey of Community Solid Waste Practices. Region 2. Pennsylvania: Volume 2. 1969
1975 energy production system in the states of the Rocky Mountain region 1976
1985 Michigan charter fishing study 1986
1988 Congressional staff directory 1988
1993 SO2 Control Symposium. 1993
21 ideas for managers : practical wisdom for managing your company and yourself / 2000
2nd status report on anadromous fish runs of the Columbia River : an updating report for 1972 and 1973 1974
A brief water-resources appraisal of the Truckee River basin, western Nevada, / 1973
A comparison of expanded-bed and packed-bed adsorption systems / 1968
A comparison of film badges and thermoluminescent dosimeters used for environmental monitoring / 1972
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
A dispersion model for heated effluent from an ocean outfall / 1970
A field study to compare performance of stainless steel research monitoring wells with existing on-farm drinking water wells in measuring pesticide and nitrate concentrations / 1998
A field survey to determine public opinion of diesel engine exhaust odor : final report / 1970
A Flow-through testing procedure with duckweed (Lemna minor L.) / 1977
A governmental view of oxygenates for use as motor fuels and motor fuel components : Methanol - the transportation fuel of the future for the 1983 midyear refining meeting of the API / 1983
A ground water manual for small communities / 1981
A histological and ultrastructural study of the effects of low pH and aluminum upon the gills of the Atlantic salmon / 1988
A Homeowner's guide to radon : facts, myths, and realities / 1986
A land use decision methodology for mine lands in Appalachia : final report / 1981
A method for the sampling and analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in ambient air / 1978
A method for the sampling and analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in ambient air / 1978
A method for the separation of oil from an aqueous oil-detergent solution prior to IR analysis. Part II. 1974
A microcomputer-modified particle size spectrometer: description and program listings / 1978
A multi-stakeholder framework for ecological risk management : summary from a SETAC technical workshop / 1998
A nomogram for the calculation of dissolved oxygen / 1931
A numeric code for describing rocks in sedimentary basins / 1974
A pilot study of air pollution in Jacksonville, Florida 1963
A plan of investigation for assessing the environmental impact of snow augmentation in the Sierra Nevada, California : draft / 1974
A preliminary assessment of selenium in drinking water : final report / 1979
A Preliminary industrial process survey of the Hawaii sugar industry / 1971
A preliminary report on the distribution of Cladophora in the western basin of Lake Erie / 1982
A program for the collection, storage, and analysis of baseline environmental data for Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1969
A Review and analysis of parameters for assessing transport of environmentally released radionuclides through agriculture / 1984
A review and needs survey of upset early warning devices / 2000
A Review of ecological assessment case studies from a risk assessment perspective / 1993
A Review of ecological assessment case studies from a risk assessment perspective : volume II. 1994
A review of regional-scale air quality models for long distance dispersion modeling in the Four Corners area / 1978
A Sand County almanac : with essays on conservation from Round River / 1970
A Sand County Almanac, and Sketches Here and There / 1989
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