Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Fisher AND William)

Select Item Title Year Published
An evaluation of three EPA public school risk communication programs : asbestos, lead in drinking water and radon : final report / 1990
Communicating environmental risks : a guide to practical evaluations / 1990
Communicating radon risk effectively : radon testing in Maryland : final report / 1988
Disease processes in marine bivalve molluscs 1988
Distribution and abundance of juvenile salmonids off Oregon and Washington, 1981-1985 1990
Ecology and management of forest soils / 2000
Effects of Agriculture on Stream Fauna in Central Indiana. 1983
Establishment of operational guidelines for Texas coastal zone management : final report on resource capability units II : land resources of the Coastal Bend Region, Texas / 1974
Establishment of operational guidelines for Texas coastal zone management : interim report on resource capability / 1973
Evaluation guidelines for ecological indicators / 2000
Evaluation of commercial integrating-type noise exposure meters / 1973
Geographic information systems in fisheries 2004
Getting to yes : negotiating agreement without giving in / 1991
Getting to yes : negotiating agreement without giving in / 1981
Getting to yes : negotiating agreement without giving in / 1991
Getting to yes : negotiating agreement without giving in / 2011
Getting to yes : negotiating agreement without giving in / 1983
Lake Ontario environmental summary, 1965 / 1973
Properties and management of forest soils 1987
Quantifying coral reef ecosystem services / 2011
Scientific research on diseases and mortalities of dolphins in U.S. waters / 1993
Special issue : indicators in health and ecological risk assessment / 2001
Stony coral rapid bioassessment protocol / 2007
Synopsis : evaluation of PCB destruction efficiency in an industrial boiler / 1980
Tips for teams : a ready reference for solving common team problems / 1995

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