Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Fisher AND Ann)

Select Item Title Year Published
An evaluation of three EPA public school risk communication programs : asbestos, lead in drinking water and radon : final report / 1990
Climate change and Pennsylvania agriculture / 2004
Coal Mine Water Pollution Legal and Regulatory Issues: A Survey. 1978
Communicating environmental risks : a guide to practical evaluations / 1990
Communicating radon risk effectively : radon testing in Maryland : final report / 1988
Evaluation and effective risk communication : workshop proceedings / 1991
Evaluation and effective risk communication workshop proceedings : project summary / 1991
Impacts of global warming : the Mid-Atlantic regional assessment (MARA), process and findings / 2004
Public knowledge and perceptions of chemical risks in six communities : analysis of a baseline survey / 1990
Radon risks : attitudes, perceptions and actions / 1989
Understanding food safety policy issues report on model materials / 1992
Using risk assessments in policy decisions / 1986

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