Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 61
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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Field AND Richard)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Planning and design guidebook for combined sewer overflow control and treatment / 1981
Bibliography of storm & combined sewer pollution control r&d program documents 1990
Bibliography of storm and combined sewer pollution control R & D program documents / 1995
Countermeasures for pollution from overflows : the state of the art / 1974
Development and evaluation of a rubber "duck bill" tide gate / 1989
Development and evaluation of a rubber "duck bill" tide gate / 1990
Development of and application of the swirl and helical bend devices for combined sewer overflow abatement and runoff control / 1978
Ethical conduct of clinical research involving children / 2004
Industrial Reuse of Urban Stormwater. 1981
Innovative urban wet-weather flow management systems / 2000
Innovative urban wet-weather flow management systems / 1999
Integrated stormwater management / 1993
Management and control of combined sewer overflows; program overview. 1972
Management of combined sewer overflows / 2004
Maximum utilization of water resources in a planned community : chlorine and ozone toxicity evaluation / 1979
Maximum utilization of water resources in a planned community : contributions of refractory compounds by a developing community / 1980
Maximum utilization of water resources in a planned community : eutrophication potential of surface waters in a developing watershed / 1980
Maximum utilization of water resources in a planned community : storm water runoff quality : data collection, reduction and analysis / 1979
Microstaining and disinfection of combined sewer overflows : phase II / 1973
Monoterpene emission rates from slash pine / 1978
Nationwide evaluation of combined sewer overflows and urban stormwater discharges : Volume II, Cost assessment and impacts / 1977
Nationwide evaluation of combined sewer overflows and urban stormwater discharges : volume III, characterization of discharges / 1977
New report available : bibliography of storm and combined sewer pollution control R & D program documents / 1995
Overview of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Storm and Combined Sewer Program Collection System Research. 1981
People, Places and Landscapes Social Change in High Amenity Rural Areas / [electronic resource] : 2011
Planning and design guidebook for combined sewer overflow control and treatment {microform} / 1982
Porous Pavement: Research; Development; and Demonstration. 1982
Proceedings of workshop on Microorganisms in urban stormwater : Edison, New Jersey, March 24, 1975 / 1976
Proceedings of Workshop on Microorganisms in Urban Stormwater Held at Edison, New Jersey, on March 24, 1975. 1976
Proceedings of Workshop on Microorganisms in Urban Stormwater, Edison, New Jersey, March 24, 1975 / 1979
Recycling Urban Stormwater for Profit. 1981
Relationship between diameter and height for the design of a swirl concentrator as a combined sewer overflow regulator / 1974
Risk Management research plan for wet weather flows / 1996
River Quality Model for Urban Stormwater Impacts. 1981
Status of porous pavement research 1981
Status of Porous Pavement Research. 1981
Storage/sedimentation facilities for control of storm and combined sewer overflows : design manual / 1998
Storm and combined sewer overflow : an overview of EPA's research program / 1990
Storm and combined sewer pollution control : a compilation of significant references / 1991
Storm and Combined Sewers: Part of the Treatment Process. 1982
Stormwater pollution abatement technologies / 1994
Stormwater pollution abatement technologies : project summary / 1994
Stress Ethylene Evolution: A Measure of Ozone Affects on Plants. 1976
Swirl device for regulating and treating combined sewer overflows / 1977
The dual functioning swirl combined sewer overflow regulator/concentrator / 1973
The helical bend combined sewer overflow regulator / 1975
The swirl concentrator as a combined sewer overflow regulator facility / 1972
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency research program on the environmental impact and control of highway deicing salt protection / 1992
U.S. EPA's manual of practice for the investigation and control of cross-connection pollution into storm drainage systems / 1992
Urban Runoff and Combined Sewer Overflow. 1979
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