Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Ettinge AND M AND B)

Select Item Title Year Published
A critical review of the literature of 1958 on water pollution / 1959
Analytical Procedures for Industrial Wastes. 1949
Annual Review of Literature (1950) on: I. Stream Pollution, II. Analytical Methods, III. Radioactive Wastes. 1951
Annual Review of Literature (1952) on Water Pollution. 1953
Annual Review of Literature on Water Pollution (1954). 1955
Annual Review of Literature, 1951. I. Stream Pollution. II. Analytical Methods. III. Radioactive Wastes. 1952
Chemical and Hydraulic Characteristics of the Anaerobic Contact Process for Sewage Treatment. 1957
Chemical Research at the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center. 1956
Coordinated Clean-Up. 1960
Critical Review of the Literature of 1955 on Water Pollution. 1956
Critical Review of the Literature of 1956 on Water Pollution. 1957
Critical review of the literature of 1957 on water pollution 1958
Determination of Mine Waste Acidity. 1967
Determination of Phenolic Materials in Industrial Wastes. 1949
Persistence of Mono-Chlorophenols in Polluted River Water and Sewage Dilutions. 1950
Phenol in Relationship to Taste and Odor Problems. 1958
Problems of B.O.D. Determination and Interpretation. 1971
Review of Sewage and Industrial Waste Literature-1949. I. Stream Pollution. II. Analytical Methods. 1950
Sensitizing the 4-Aminoantipyrine Reaction with Phenolic Materials for use in Water and Waste Analysis. 1950
Study of the Determination of Phenol and Structurally Related Compounds by the Gibbs Method. 1947
Suburban Sewage Treatment by the Anaerobic Contact Process. 1957
Taste and Odor Producing Substances in Water. 1957
Universal Factors in Aerobic Biological Purification. 1957

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