Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Eklund AND B)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air Emissions from the Treatment of Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Fuels and Other Substances (October 1997). 1997
Air emissions from the treatment of soils contaminated with petroleum fuels and other substances : final report / 1992
Air/Superfund national technical guidance series : overview of air pathway assessments for Superfund sites (Revised). Volume 1. 1992
Air/Superfund national technical guidance study series : database of emission rate measurement projects / 1991
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : emission factors for Superfund remediation technologies / 1991
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : estimation of air impacts for air stripping of contaminated water / 1991
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : estimation of air impacts for soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems / 1992
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : estimation of baseline air emissions at superfund sites. volume II / 1990
Air/Superfund national technical guidance study series : models for estimating air emission rates from Superfund remedial actions. 1993
Assessment of Volatile Organic Emissions from a Petroleum Refinery Land Treatment Site. 1986
Control of air emissions from Superfund sites. 1993
Detection of hydrocarbons in groundwater by analysis of shallow soil gas/vapor 1985
Development of Procedures to Assess the Performance of External Leak Detection Devices. Executive Summary Draft. 1988
Estimates of global greenhouse gas emissions from industrial and domestic wastewater treatment / 1997
Estimation of air impacts for bioventing systems used at Superfund sites. 1993
Estimation of air impacts for solidification and stabilization processes used at Superfund sites. 1993
Estimation of air impacts for the excavation of contaminated soil / 1992
Estimation of air impacts for thermal desorption units used at Superfund sites / 1993
Estimation of air impacts from area sources of particulate matter emissions at Superfund sites. 1993
Field assessment of aerated lagoon emissions and their control using an inflated dome / 1987
Field Assessment of Aerated Lagoon Emissions and Their Control Using an Inflated Dome. 1987
Field assessment of air emissions and their control at a refinery land treatment facility / 1987
Field assessment of air emissions and their control at a refinery land treatment facility / 1987
Field Assessment of Air Emissions and Their Control at a Refinery Land Treatment Facility. Volume 2. 1987
Greenhouse gases from anaerobic decomposition of waste / 1998
Handbook, control of air emissions from Superfund sites. 1992
Soil gas sensing for detection and mapping of volatile organics / 1987
Soil gas sensing for detection and mapping of volatile organics : project summary / 1988
Survey of vendors of external petroleum leak monitoring devices for use with underground storage tanks / 1988
Survey of vendors of external petroleum leak monitoring devices for use with underground storage tanks / 1987
Survey of vendors of external petroleum leak monitoring devices for use with underground storage tanks / 1987

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