Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 7
Showing: Items 1 - 7
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Edwards AND Clayton AND J)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Conceptual approach for the application of biological indicators of ecosystem quality in the Great Lakes Basin : a joint effort of the International Joint Commission and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission / 1985
A Review of Lake Superior water quality with emphasis on the 1983 intensive survey : report to the Surveillance Subcommittee of the Great Lakes Water Quality Board / 1990
A review of trends in Lake Erie water quality with emphasis on the 1978-1979 intensive survey : report to the Surveillance Work Group / 1985
Ecosystem approach to the integrity of the Great Lakes in turbulent times 1990
Hydrological, morphometrical, and biological characteristics of the connecting rivers of the international Great Lakes : a review / 1988
Review of the Research Advisory Board/Science Board recommendations and supporting reports with IJC and government responses 1973 through 1985 / by Clayton J. Edwards. 1988
Synopsis of Lake Erie water quality 1984

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