Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Fingerprints" of climate change : adapted behaviour and shifting species ranges / 2001
A case study of hazardous wastes in Class I landfills / 1978
A Conceptual approach for the application of biological indicators of ecosystem quality in the Great Lakes Basin : a joint effort of the International Joint Commission and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission / 1985
A Review of Lake Superior water quality with emphasis on the 1983 intensive survey : report to the Surveillance Subcommittee of the Great Lakes Water Quality Board / 1990
A review of trends in Lake Erie water quality with emphasis on the 1978-1979 intensive survey : report to the Surveillance Work Group / 1985
A vast machine : computer models, climate data, and the politics of global warming / 2010
Adult salmon migration monitoring, Suisun Marsh salinity control gates, September-November 1994 / 1996
Advances in decision analysis : from foundations to applications / 2007
Aerosol characterization of ambient air near a commercial Lurgi coal gasification plant, Kosovo Region, Yugoslavia / 1980
Airborne Asbestos Concentrations during Spray-Buffing of Resilient Floor Tile. 1994
Aminoacyl Fucosides as Possible Biochemical Markers of Tumorigenic and Metastatic Potential in Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2-Transformed Rat Cells. 1981
An analysis of chemistry mechanisms and photochemical dispersion models for use in simulating methanol photochemistry / 1985
Ancillary water quality, physical habitat, and biological data from the Juniata Subbasin / 1997
Annotated bibliography on environmental auditing / 1989
Aquaculture : a component of low cost sanitation technology / 1985
Biodiversity and Landscape Planning: Alternative Futures for the Region of Camp Pendleton, California. 1996
Bioinformatics Tools and Applications / [electronic resource] : 2009
Biology of earthworms 1972
Biosynthesis of aromatic compounds 1980
Calcium sulfite crystal sizing studies / 1979
Calculus and analytic geometry / 1986
Calculus of a single variable / 2010
Cancer rates and risks / 1996
Captivate : the science of succeeding with people / 2017
Changing the atmosphere : expert knowledge and environmental governance / 2001
Chemical and biological treatment of thermally conditioned sludge recycle liquors / 1980
Chlordimeform-Induced Alterations in Endocrine Regulation within the Male Rat Reproductive System. 1990
Codorus Creek priority water body survey report water quality standards review / 1991
Combustion: the formation and emission of trace species, 1974
Comprehensive Analysis of the Sediments Retained Behind Hydroelectric Dams of the Lower Susquehanna River. 2006
Computational and Experimental Study of Mercury Speciation as Facilitated by the Deacon Process. 2001
Computer modeling of water distribution systems / 2012
Conservation and productivity of natural waters; the proceedings of a symposium organized jointly by the British Ecological Society and the Zoological Society of London, held at the Zoological Society of London on 22 and 23 October, 1970. 1972
Control of Toxic Emissions from the Thermal Treatment of Contaminated Soils. 1988
Correlation of coal properties with environmental control technology needs for sulfur and trace elements {microform} / 1984
CRC persistent pesticides in the environment. 1973
Critical issues in water and wastewater treatment : proceedings of the 1994 National Conference on Environmental Engineering, Boulder, Colorado, July 11-13, 1994 / 1994
Deep wells of Maryland. 1970
Demonstration of emerging technologies for arsenic removal : volume 2: pilot testing. 2005
Dermal Absorption of Chemicals: Effect of Application of Chemicals as a Solid, Aqueous Paste, Suspension, or in Volatile Vehicle. 1992
Determination of strontium-90 in water 1967
Development of a standardized laboratory method for assessing the toxicity of chemical substances to earthworms 1983
Development of an indirect sampler for the estimation of dermal exposure to pesticides in housedust 1999
Disruption of Human Eyeblink Conditioning After Central Cholinergic Blockade with Scopolamine. 1993
Drugs affecting kidney function and metabolism / 1972
Earthworm ecology 1998
Economic impact analysis of proposed section 5 notice requirements 1980
Economic impact analysis of proposed section 5 notice requirements. 1980
Economic Impact Analysis of Proposed Section 5 Notice Requirements. Appendix: Volume I. 1980
Economic Impact Analysis of Proposed Section 5 Notice Requirements. Appendix: Volume II. 1980
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