Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 49
Showing: Items 1 - 49

Select Item Title Year Published
1,3-butadiene in tire warehouse, carpet warehouse, consumer product, and tire air : Draft interim report no. 1 / 1984
Analysis of Economic Implications of Environmental Management for Kennecott's Magna, Utah Copper Smelter 1975
Applicability of Land Treatment of Wastewater in the Great Lakes Area Basin: Effectiveness of Sandy Soils at Muskegon County, Michigan, for Renovating Wastewater. 1979
Beneficial effects of vegetation in contaminated soils. 1992
Comprehensive Method for the Analysis of Volatile Organics on Soils, Sediments and Sludges. Part 1. State-of-the-Art Review of Analytical Operations. 1994
Contribution of Marine Algae to Trihalomethane Production in Chlorinated Estuarine Water. 1979
Cropping systems for treatment and utilization of municipal wastewater and sludge / 1981
Cropping systems for treatment and utilization of municipal wastewater and sludge / 1981
Decision-support tools for predicting the performance of water distribution and wastewater collection systems [electronic resource] / 2002
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards of Performanace for the Off-Site Rendering Industry. 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards of performance : meat packing industry / 1973
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards of Performance for the Livestock Market Industry. 1976
Effects of Halogenated Organic Compounds on Photosynthesis in Estuarine Phytoplankton. 1980
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : polychloronaphthalenes / 1977
Environmental Monitoring Near Industrial Sites: Brominated Chemicals. Part II: Appendix. 1978
Fluorine control systems 1993
Geochemical reconnaissance in the Pequop Mountains and Wood Hills, Elko County, Nevada / 1966
Handbook on anaerobic fermentations 1988
Identification and analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls and other related chemicals in municipal sewage sludge samples / 1977
Infrared band handbook 1970
Nitrate and phosphorus runoff losses from small watersheds in Great Lakes Basin / 1978
Nitrates and phosphorus runoff losses from small watersheds in Great Lakes Basin, 1978
PCB transformer fire sampling : quality assurance program plan for the Office of Toxic Substances/ 1985
PCDF formation from PCBs under fire conditions / 1984
Pesticide runoff losses from small watersheds in Great Lakes Basin / 1977
Phenols in the Clark Fork River : completion report 1975
Pollution control considerations for low- and medium-Btu coal gasification processes : project summary / 1988
Pollution Control Considerations for Low- and Medium-BTU Coal Gasification Processes. 1987
Proceedings of the 10th annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, May 23-24, 1995 1995
Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research : building partnerships for innovative technologies at Kansas City Airport Hilton, Kansas City, Missouri, May 19-22, 1997 / 1997
Proceedings of the 1996 HSRC WERC Joint Conference on the Environment : creating a new path on the Santa Fe trail, May 21-23, 1996, Holiday Inn Pyramid, Albuquerque, New Mexico / 1996
Proceedings of the 8th annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, May 25 and 26, 1993 1993
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on hazardous waste remediation : held at Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, June 8-10, 1994 / 1994
Proceedings of the Conference on Hazardous Waste Research : on May 25, 1988 at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas / 1988
Proceedings of the Conference on Hazardous Waste Research at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, June 1 and 2, 1992 1992
Proceedings of the Conference on Hazardous Waste Research at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, May 21 and 22, 1990 / 1990
Proceedings of the Conference on Hazardous Waste Research on May 23 and 24, 1989 at Kansas State University, Manhattan Kansas / 1989
Products of thermal degradation of dielectric fluids / 1985
Products of thermal degradation of dielectric fluids : Tetra CDFs Tetra CDDs / 1985
Reaction kinetics of ozone with sulfur compounds / 1976
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality : two interrelated global challenges / 2020
Sampling and analysis of selected toxic substances : task II: analysis for semivolatile brominated organics in fish and turtles. 1980
Soil-vegetation correlations in the Sandhills and Rainwater Basin wetlands of Nebraska 1987
Subirrigated alluvial valley floors : a reconnaissance of their properties and occurence on coal resource lands in the interior western United States. 1977
Verification of PCB spill cleanup by sampling and analysis / 1985
Washington State agricultural chemicals pilot study : final report / 1990
Watershed manipulation project : field implementation plan for 1990-1992 / 1993
Watershed Manipulation Project: Field Implementation Plan for 1986-1989. 1991
Watershed manipulation project: quality assurance implementation plan for 1986-1989, {microfiche} / by Heather E. Erickson, Marilyn Morrison, Jeffrey Kern, Larry Hughes, James Malcolm and Kent Thornton. 1991

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