Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 60
Showing: Items 51 - 60

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Select Item Title Year Published
Sulfolane Effects on Audiogenic, Pentylenetetrazol and Afterdischarge Seizure Activity. 1986
Sulfolane-Induced Hypothermia Enhances Survivability in Mice. 1986
Superior Colliculus Lesions and Flash Evoked Potentials from Rat Cortex. 1986
Surface Distribution of Flash-Evoked and Pattern Reversal-Evoked Potentials in Hooded Rats. 1986
Temperature-Dependent Changes in Visual Evoked Potentials of Rats (Journal Version). 1988
Trimethyltin Reduces Recurrent Inhibition in Rats. 1984
Unrecognized Errors Due to Analog Filtering of the Brain-Stem Auditory Evoked Response. 1986
Urethane Affects the Rat Visual System at Subanesthetic Doses. 1987
Use of Sensory Evoked Potentials in Toxicology. 1985
Vapor generator feed pump for Rankine Cycle automotive propulsion system : (Chandler Evans) / 1972
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