Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Donehoo AND Irene AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
A complete system of equations for determining non-geostrophic wind and vertical motions = Polnaieia sistema uravneniei dlieia opredeleniieia ageostroficheskogo vetra v vertikal'nykh dvizheniei / 1962
An experiment in quantitative prediction of precipitation = Opyt kolichestvennogo prognoza osadkov / 1962
An outline of the formation of low clouds and fog owing to radiational cooling = Skema obrazovnaiia nizkikh oblakov i tumanov pod vliianiem radiatsionnogo okhlazhdeniia / 1961
Calculation of the diurnal variation of short-wave radiation on clear days = K raschetu sutochnogo khoda korotkovolnovoei radiatsii v iasnye dni / 1960
Certain problems related to an objective analysis of meteorological information according to the existing network of stations = Nekotorye voprosy svieiazannye s ob'ektivnym analizom meteorologicheskoei informatsii po sushchestvuieiushcheei set stantsiei / 1964
Characteristics of the empirical influence functions in the Northern Hemisphere for a forecast of the pressure field for 3-5 days, by single-type initial microprocesses = Osobennosti empiricheskikh funktsiei vliieianiieia na severnom polusharii dlieia prognoza baricheskogo polieia na 3-5 dneei po odnotipnym iskhodnym makroprotsessam / 1962
Climatic factors of the thermal sensitivity of man = Klimaticheskie faktory teplooshchushcheniia cheloveka / 1962
Concerning the accuracy of air temperature lapse rate and humidity gradient measurements = O tochnosti gradientnykh izmerenii temperatury i vlazhnosti / 1960
Defining the minimum temperature values in the Antarctic = Utochnenie znacheniei minimal'noei temperatury v Antarktike / 1962
Experience with short range weather prediction on the basis of the solution of a complete system of thermohydrodynamic equations = Opyt kratkosrochnogo prognoza pogody na osnove resheniia poleei sistemy uravnenniei termogidrodinamiki / 1963
Experiment in calculating the daily totals of global radiation according to standard observations = Opyt rascheta dnevnykh summ summarnoei radiatsii po srochnym nabliudeniiam / 1960
Guide to the atlas of the heat balance of the earth : (atlas teplovogo balansa zemnogo shara) / 1964
Influence of local conditions on the formation of fogs = Vliianie mestnykh uslovii na obrazovanie tumanov / 1961
Laws governing physical processes in the boundary layer of the Arctic = Zakonomernosti fizicheskikh protsessov pogranichnogo sloia atmosfery v Arktike / 1959
On the theory of pressure waves in a baroclinic atmosphere = K theorii voln davleniia v baroklinnoei atmosfere / 1963
Relationships between the elements of large-scale atmospheric motions and certain prognostic consequences = Sootnosheniia elementov krupnomashtabnykh atmosfernykh dvizheniei i nekotorye prognosticheskie sledstviia / 1963
Results of an experiment in the numerical forecasting of 850, 500 and 200 MB contour charts = Rezul'taty ispytaniia chislennogo metoda prognoza kart AT 850, AT 500 i AT 200 / 1963
Surface soil temperature measurement by means of a zero-radiation method = Izmerenie temperatury poverkhnosti pochvy radiatsionno-nulevym metodom / 1961
The application of computing procedures in meteorology = Ispol'zovanie shchetnoi tekhniki v meteorologii / 1962
The Chief characteristics of the radiation regime of the european territory of the USSR = Osnovnye kharakertistiki radiatsionnogo reshima evropeeiskoi territorii SSSR / 1961
The Effect of advection upon the intensity of the melting of snow = Vliianie advektsii na intensivnost' taianiia snega / 1960
The relationship between the weather and climatic characteristics and the radiation temperature of the underlying surface = Sviaz' pogodnykh i klimaticheskikh kharakteristik s radiatsionnoei temperaturnoei podstilaiushcheei poverkhnosti / 1962
The Role of radiation in the development of stratus cloudiness and its evolution = Rol' izlucheniiaa v obrazovanii sloistoei oblachnosti i ee evoliautsii / 1962
Year-to-year changes of the heat balance in the northern portion of the Atlantic Ocean within the last 10 years = Mezhgodovye izmeneniia teplovogo balansa v severnoi chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana za poslednee desiatiletie / 1961

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