Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Aquaculture : opportunities for an expanded industry in Illinois 1980
Assessment of non-traditional controls on ambient air quality 1981
Coal & Illinois industry : the impact of the national energy acts of 1978 : conference proceedings of May 9-10, 1979 at the Conrad Hilton, Chicago, Illinois 1979
Decision analysis and environmental regulations / 1979
Direct and indirect emissions production by urban truck movement in the Chicago region 1981
Dollar, energy, and labor cost differential--leaded vs. unleaded gasoline : a quantitative approach 1980
Ecological comparison of intermittent streams in different land use patterns in northeastern Illinoi 1980
Economic analysis of effluent standards for BOD, ammonia, total suspended solids, and disinfection : case study of a modern treatment plant 1980
Economic assessment of resources recovery and utilization from coal fines wastes / 1981
Economic impact analysis of constraints on particulate control equipment replacements, R79-3 / 1979
Economic impact analysis of proposed change in Illinois deoxygenating regulations, R77-12, docket C 1979
Economic impact analysis of proposed changes in IPCB rules and regulations, Chapt 2, rules 312 and 405, ozone and episode criteria, R80-11 1981
Economic impact of a proposed change in lead effluent standards 1980
Economic impact of allowing open burning in disaster areas, R78-2 1979
Economic impact of changing emission standards for explosive waste incinerators, R78-9 1979
Economic impact of changing the carbon monoxide emission limitations for steel mills, R78-1 1979
Economic impact of changing the copper effluent standard, R76-21 1979
Economic impact of existing ammonia nitrogen water quality standard, IPCB chapter 3 rule 203(f) 1981
Economic impact of incorporating RACT 1 guidelines for VOC emissions into the Illinois air pollution control regulations (R78-3 and R78-4) 1979
Economic impact of proposed amendments to chapter 4, mine-related pollution (R76-20 and R77-10) 1979
Economic impact of proposed amendments to snowmobile noise regulations, R79-10 1980
Economic impact of proposed regulation 79-11 to allow a relaxation of APC rule 203 (g) for particulate matter 1980
Economic impact of proposed regulations to reduce particulate emissions from steel mills and industrial fugitive sources, R78-10 and R78-11 1979
Economic impact of requiring maintenance/malfunction plans for air pollution control equipment, R79- 1979
Economic impact of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter regulations in Illinois, R77-15 1979
Economic impact of the proposed averaging rule, R76-21 1978
Economic impact of the revision of rule 204, sulfur dioxide emission limitations, R79-2 1981
Economic impact study of proposed airport noise regulations, R77-4. Volume 4, economic analysis of O'Hare and Midway Airports 1981
Economic impacts of proposed regulations for mandatory deposits on beverage containers in Illinois : R71-24 and R75-14 1980
Effect of RACT II environmental controls in Illinois, R 80-5 1981
Effects of fertilizer made from flue gas and fly ash on selected crops and soils 1979
Environmental and natural resources information catalog (ENRIC) : a feasibility study 1980
Environmental benefits assessment in economic impact studies : a review 1979
Environmental impact and health effects of wastewater chlorination 1981
Environmental regulations and other factors influencing industrial plant migrations 1979
Geographic distribution of cancer in Illinois 1979
Handbook for the assessement of environmental benefits and pollution control costs 1978
Hazardous wastes management in Illinois 1979
Health effects of chlordane 1979
Health effects of ozone and other photochemical oxidants in the Chicago area / 1979
Identification of sources causing TSP non-attainment : analysis of historical high-volume filters, Decatur and Quad Cities areas 1979
Illinois biomass resources : annual crops and residues, canning and food-processing wastes, preliminary assessment 1980
Illinois directory of environmental information 1980
Illinois directory of environmental information 1981
Illinois forest resources opportunity for total management 1980
Illinois forest resources opportunity for total management : executive summary 1980
Illinois Institute of Natural Resources project list : January, 1, 1981. 1981
Impact of sulphur dioxide regulations on the market for Illinois coal 1980
Investigation of the gas content of coal seams in the vicinity of Charleston, Illinois 1979
Issues related to airport noise control in Illinois 1981
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