Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Dicristofaro AND D AND C)

Select Item Title Year Published
Complex Terrain Dispersion Model. 1986
EPA complex terrain model development : fifth milestone report - 1985 / 1986
EPA complex terrain model development : fifth milestone report--1985 / 1986
EPA complex terrain model development : fourth milestone report--1984 / 1985
EPA complex terrain model development : third milestone report--1983 / 1983
Guideline for modeling carbon monoxide from roadway intersections. 1992
Meteorological Events That Produced the Highest Ground-Level Concentrations during Complex Terrain Field Experiments. 1985
Remote Estimation of the Surface Characteristics and Energy Balance over an Urban-Rural Area and the Effects of Surface Heat Flux on Plume Spread and Concentration. 1980

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