Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Davis AND Wayne AND S)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution : its origin and control / 1998
Air pollution control and industrial energy production / 1975
Air pollution engineering manual / 1992
Air pollution engineering manual / 2000
Air quality / 2014
Air quality / 2021
APTI course 419 : preparation of emission inventories / 1992
Biological assessment and criteria : tools for water resource planning and decision making / 1995
Biological assessment methods, biocriteria, and biological indicators : bibliography of selected technical, policy, and regulatory literature. 1996
Biological indicator variability and stream monitoring program integration : a Maryland case study / 2002
Coal-fired power plant ash utilization in the TVA region / 1980
Comparison of pilot plant data with predictions from the U.S. EPA SPRAYMOD computer program / 1986
Evaluation of sediment oxygen demand (SOD) measurements in Lake Erie 1985
Exposure assessment component of the field verification program : overview and data presentation / 1989
Field Disposal of Methyl Parathion Using Acidified Powered Zinc. 1981
Groundwater resources of Delaware County, Pennsylvania / 1996
Mid-Atlantic highlands streams assessment : technical support document / 2000
Mid-Atlantic highlands streams assessment : technical support document / 2000
Montgomery County, Maryland uses biological monitoring to better understand and manage watersheds / 2002
Power generation : air pollution monitoring and control / 1976
Proceedings of the 1989 pollution control biologists meeting : held in Chicago, Illinois February 14-17, 1989 / 1989
Proceedings of the 1990 midwest pollution control biologists meeting : held in Chicago, Illinois, April 10-13, 1990 / 1990
Proceedings of the 1991 Midwest Pollution Control Biologists meeting : environmental indicators : measurement and assessment endpoints / 1992
Proceedings of the fifth annual industrial air pollution control conference : state of the art of air pollution control techniques for industrial processes and power generation, april 3-4, 1975, Knoxville, Tennessee 1975
Proceedings of the fourth annual Industrial Air Pollution Control Conference : state of the art of air pollution control techniques for industrial processes and power generation, March 28-29, 1974, Knoxville, Tennessee / 1974
Sediment erodibility in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island : a method of predicting sediment dynamics / 1991
State biological monitoring and assessment programs for streams and wadable rivers / 1995
Taxonomic aids for Mid-Atlantic benthic macroinvertebrates : ephemeroptera: baetidae, Plecoptera: capniidae/leuctridae, diptera: Simuliidae / 2008

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