Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
2003 pulse of the estuary : monitoring & managing contamination in the San Francisco Estuary / 2003
3D Radiative Transfer in Cloudy Atmospheres [electronic resource] / 2005
8th International Conference on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement : conference proceedings : 5-11 April, 2008, Cape Town, South Africa / 2008
A farmer's guide to remote sensing in Midwestern agriculture. 2003
A handbook of constructed wetlands : a guide to creating wetlands for--agricultural wastewater, domestic wastewater, coal mine drainage, stormwater in the Mid-Atlantic Region. 1995
A key to the marine dinoflagellate genera of the west coast of Florida / 1966
A methodology for determining the effects of fuels and additives on atmospheric visibility / 1975
A new look at the economics of separate refuse collection / 1974
A review of thermal plume modeling / 1978
A Socioeconomic Assessment of Energy Development in a Small Rural County: Coal Gasification in Mercer County, North Dakota, Volume I; Draft 1976
A study of endemic pellagra in some cotton-mill villages of South Carolina, 1929
A study of the effects of aerosol properties on scattering of laser light / 1971
Abundant Males in Populations of a Selfing Hermaphrodite Fish, 'Rivulus marmoratus', from Some Belize Cays. 1992
Accidental releases of air toxics prevention, control, and mitigation / 1989
ACT (Available Control Technology) for Stationary N0x Sources. 1979
Acute Toxicity, Sublethal Effects and Bioconcentration of Chlorination Products, Viruses, and Bacteria in Edible Shellfish: A Review. 1989
Administrative law of the eighties 1989 supplement to Administrative law treatise / 1989
Administrative law treatise 1994
Administrative law treatise 2002
Administrative law treatise 1978
Administrative law treatise Supplement / 1995
Administrative law treatise. 1958
Advanced bacterial genetics / 1980
Advances in Geoinformatics VIII Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics, GEOINFO 2006, Campos do Jordão (SP), Brazil, November 19-22, 2006 / [electronic resource] : 2007
Agricultural runoff management (ARM) model version II : refinement and testing / 1977
Air pollution : its origin and control / 1998
Air pollution and the productivity of the forest proceedings of the symposium, the Capitol Holiday Inn, Washington, D.C., October 4 and 5, 1983 / 1983
Air pollution control and industrial energy production / 1975
Air pollution effects on terrestrial ecosystems / 1983
Air pollution engineering manual / 1992
Air pollution engineering manual / 2000
Air quality / 2021
Air quality / 2014
Air quality criteria for lead : supplement to the 1986 addendum / 1990
Airtightness Evaluation of Shelter-in-Place Spaces for Protection Against Airborne Chembio Releases. 2009
Algal biomass conversion to fuels via combined algae processing (CAP) : 2020 state of technology and future research / 2021
Alterations in Liver Microsomal Metabolism of Parathion Caused by Chronic Administration of Dilantin, Chloroquine. 1971
America's future in toxic waste management : lessons from Europe / 1987
An analysis of speciated PM2.5 data in the MARAMA region / 2006
An assessment of the loading of toxic contaminants to the San Francisco Bay-Delta / 1987
An assessment of the loading of toxic contaminants to the San Francisco Bay-Delta : executive summary / 1987
An experimental/analytical investigation of deep submerged multiple buoyant jets / 1976
An inconvenient truth : a global warning / 2006
An intergovernmental project to improve environmental quality in an area of abandoned mines / 1976
An Introduction to ground-water tracers / 1985
An Introduction to ground-water tracers / 1985
An Introduction to ground-water tracers / 1986
An inventory of published and stored chemical analyses of surface water in California, 1906-71 / 1974
Analysis of Buoyant Surface Jets. 1976
Analysis of factors affecting methane gas recovery from six landfills / 1991
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