Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 40
Showing: Items 1 - 40
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Daisey AND Joan)

Select Item Title Year Published
A second look at dioxin : review of the Office of Research and Development's reassessment of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds by the Dioxin Reassessment Review Committee. 1995
Advisory on the "White paper on the nature and scope of issues on adoption of model use acceptability criteria" / 1999
Advisory on the charter for the Council on Regulatory Environmental Modeling (CREM) / 1999
An SAB advisory on economic research topics and priorities / 1998
An SAB advisory on the National Drinking Water Contaminant Occurrence Database / 1998
An SAB advisory on the national-level affordability criteria and technologies for small systems under the 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act. / 1998
An SAB report : development of the acute reference exposure. / 1998
An SAB report : environmental radiation ambient monitoring system (ERAMS) II.prepared by the Radiation Advisory Committee of the Science Advisory Board. 1998
An SAB report : review of the D-CORMIX model / 1999
An SAB report : review of the health risk assessment of 1,3-butadiene. / 1998
An SAB report : review of the health risks from low-level environmental exposures to radionuclides (FGR-13 report) / 1998
An SAB report : review of the RFC methods case studies ; review of case studies associated with the document methods for derivation of inhalation reference concentrations and application of inhalation dosimetry (EPA/600/8-90/066F) / 1998
An SAB report : technical review of the proposed TSCA section 403 regulation (identification of dangerous levels of lead) / 1998
An SAB report : the cumulative exposure project / 1996
An SAB report: review of the EPA Draft Mercury Study Report to Congress : review of the EPA's Mercury Report to Congress by the Mercury Review Subcommittee / 1997
Commentary on the Agency's proposed drinking water standard for radon / 2000
Commentary on the need for research on risk reduction options for particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) / 1999
Draft "Addendum to the methodology for assessing health risks associated with indirect exposure to combustor emissions" / 1994
Importance of reinstating the pollution abatement and control expenditures (PACE) survey. / 1999
Notification of a consultation on a method for estimating drinking water intake levels / 1998
Notification of a consultation on alternative approaches for disposal of federal low-activity radioactive wastes / 1997
Notification of a consultation on approaches to calculating radon risks. / 1998
Notification of a consultation on phase two of the Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation's cumulative exposure model / 1996
Notification of a consultation on ranking criteria for strategic planning and budgeting / 1998
Notification of a consultation on Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM) / 1999
Notification of a consultation on the development of a strategy for addressing indoor air issues. 1997
Notification of a consultation on the development of schedule for the carbon monoxide staff paper. 1998
Notification of a consultation on the study of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) / 1999
Notification of a consultation on the Superfund program's approach to developing ecological soil screening levels / 2000
Notification of a consultation on the topic: induced travel : does additional highway capacity influence travel demand? / 1999
Receptor model technique series IV : a guide to the use of factor analysis and multiple regression (FA/MR) techniques in source apportionment / 1985
Review of 1996 Risk management plan for wet weather flows and the 1997 Urban infrastructure research plan / 1999
Science Advisory Board (SAB) award recommendations for the 1998 Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards (STAA) program / 1999
Science Advisory Board commentary on the role of science in "new approaches" to environmental decisionmaking that focus on stakeholder involvement / 1999
Science Advisory Board review of the agency-wide quality management program. 1998
Science Advisory Board review of the implementation of the agency-wide quality system / 1999
Science Advisory Board review of the Office of Research and Development's (ORD) draft Exposure Factors Handbook / 1997
Science Advisory Board's review of the draft chloroform risk assessment and related issues in the proposed cancer risk assessment guidelines / 1999
Second review of the index of watershed indicators / 1999
Trace organic compounds in the New York City atmosphere : Part 1 - preliminary studies 1979

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