Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24

Select Item Title Year Published
A review and evaluation of principles used in the estimation of radiation doses associated with deep sea disposal of low-level radioactive waste / 1989
Acute Triethyltin Exposure: Effects on the Visual Evoked Potential and Hippocampal Afterdischarge. 1982
An Evaluation of techniques for ocean disposal of soils containing naturally occurring radionuclides (FUSRAP wastes) / 1990
An Evaluation of techniques for ocean disposal of soils containing naturally occurring radionuclides (FUSRAP wastes) / 1989
Analysis and evaluation of a radioactive waste package retrieved from the Atlantic 2800 meter disposal site / 1979
Analysis and evaluation of a radioactive waste package retrieved from the Farallon Islands 900-meter disposal site 1990
Applications of absorption spectroscopy of organic compounds 1965
Changes in fluxes in estuaries : implications from science to management / 1994
Dopamine Depletion Slows Retinal Transmission. 1981
Evaluating the human health effects of hazardous wastes : reproduction and development, neurotoxicity, genetic toxicity and cancer / 1991
Neonatal Triethyltin Exposure Alters Adult Electrophysiology in Rats. 1981
Ocean current measurements at the Farallon Islands low-level radioactive waste disposal site, 1977-1978 / 1991
On board corrosion analysis of a recovered nuclear waste container / 1979
Physiological Methods for Assessment of Timethyltin Exposure. 1982
Recovery of low level radioactive waste packages from deep ocean disposal sites / 1990
Somatosensory Dysfunction Following Acute Trimethyltin Exposure. 1982
Survey of the Farallon Islands 500-Fathom Radioactive Waste Disposal Site, Operations Report. 1975
Triethyltin: Ambient Temperature Alters Visual System Toxicity. 1982
Trimethyltin Impairs Retention of a Passive Avoidance Task. 1982
Trimethyltin, a Selective Limbic System Neurotoxicant, Impairs Radial-Arm Maze Performance. 1982
Trimethyltin-Induced Changes in Gross Morphology of the Hippocampus. 1982
Trimethyltin-Induced Hyperactivity: Time Course and Pattern. 1982
Visual System Dysfunction Following Acute Trimethyltin Exposure in Rats. 1982
Wetland treatment systems : a case history : the Orlando Easterly Wetlands Reclamation Project. 1993

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