Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (AUTHOR=D AND Binstock)

Select Item Title Year Published
An intercomparison of grinding techniques used for the preparation of lead-in paint samples / 1997
Pilot Field Study for the Assessment of Techniques Used for Field Measurement of Lead in Paint. Volume 1. Technical Report. 1997
Pilot Field Study for the Assessment of Techniques Used for Field Measurement of Lead in Paint. Volume 2. Appendices. 1997
Preparation of lead-containing paint and dust method evaluation materials and verification of the preparation protocol by round-robin analysis / 1993
Preparation of Lead-Containing Paint and Dust Method Evaluation Materials and Verification of the Preparation Protocol by Round-Robin Analysis. 1993
Report on the State of Development, Availability, Evaluation and Future Use of Test Kits for the Measurement of Lead in Paint. 2006
Standard operating procedure for field analysis of lead in paint, bulk dust, and soil by ultrasonic, acid digestion and colorimetric measurement / 1993
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation materials for lead in paint / 1994
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation matierals for lead in dust / 1995
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation matierals for lead paint 1994
Standard operating procedure for solubilization of lead on dust wipes by hotplate acid digestion / 1995
Standard Operating Procedure for Surface Paint Sample Collection using a Modified Wood Drill Bit with a Variable Speed Portable Electric Drill. 2009
Standard Operating Procedure for the Field Analysis of Lead in Dust Collected by Vacuum and on Wipes by Ultrasonic, Acid Digestion, and Colorimetric Measurement. 1998
Standard Operating Procedure for the Grinding and Extraction of Lead in Paint using Nitric Acid and a Rotor/Stator System Powered by a High Speed Motor. 2009
Standard Operating Procedure for the Preparation of Lead-Containing Paint Films and Lead-in-Paint Diagnostic Test Materials. 2009
Standard operating procedures for lead in paint by hotplate- or microwave-based acid digestions and atomic absorption or inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry / 1991

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