Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 70
Showing: Items 1 - 50
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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to the selection of cost-effective wastewater treatment systems / 1975
A guide to the selection of cost-effective wastewater treatment systems / 1975
Atlas of marine invertebrate larvae / 2002
Atlas of marine invertebrate larvae / 2006
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for barium wastes (D005 and P013) : final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for P and U thallium wastes : final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for vanadium-containing wastes (P119 and P120) : final. 1990
Bioaccumulation and Aquatic System Simulator (BASS) user's manual / 2001
Building HVAC/foundation diagnostics for radon mitigation in schools : part 2 technical session T-20 / 1990
Changes in Mallard 'Anas platyrhynchos' Serum Chemistry Due to Age, Sex, and Reproductive Condition. 1990
Chemical quality of streams in the Erie-Niagara Basin, New York 1968
Colonization Potentials of Male and Female E. coli K 12 Strains E coli B and Human Fecal E. coli Strains in the Mouse GI Tract. 1980
Consuming environments : television and commercial culture / 1999
Development of benthic biological monitoring criteria for disposal of low-level radioactive waste in the abyssal deep sea / 1988
Diseases of coral / 2016
Ecological modeling guide for ecosystem restoration and management / 2012
Economic evaluation of water / 1960
Ecosystem monitoring and ecological indicators : an annotated bibliography / 1994
Effects of River Fluctuations Resulting from Hydroelectric Peaking on Selected Aquatic Invertebrates. 1974
Emerging technology summary : integration of photocatalytic oxidation with air stripping of contaminated aquifers. 1999
Emerging technology summary : integration of photocatalytic oxidation with air stripping of contaminated aquifers. 1999
Emissions characterization of two methanol fueled transit buses / 1986
Environmental assessment of shop towel usage in the automotive and printing industries / 1997
Environmental Assessment of Shop Towel Usage in the Automotive and Printing Industries Project Summary 1997
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : agroecosystem monitoring and research strategy / 1991
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : indicator development strategy / 1994
FGETS (Food and Gill Exchange of Toxic Substances) : a simulation model for predicting bioaccumulation of nonpolar organic pollutants by fish / 1988
FGETS (Food and Gill Exchange of Toxic Substances) : a simulation model for predicting bioaccumulation of nonpolar organic pollutants by fish / 1987
GETS : a simulation model for dynamic bioaccumulation of nonpolar organics by gill exchange : a user's guide / 1987
GETS : a simulation model for dynamic bioaccumulation of nonpolar organics by gill exchange : a user's guide / 1986
GWB essentials guide : a user's guide to Rxn, Act2, Tact, SpecE8, and Aqplot : The Geochemist's Workbench(R) release 6.0 / 2005
GWB essentials guide : the Geochemist's Workbench(R) release 10.0 / 2014
GWB essentials guide : The Geochemist's Workbench(R) release 7.0 / 2007
GWB essentials guide : the Geochemist's Workbench(R) release 8.0 / 2009
Investigation of surface films : Chesapeake Bay entrance / 1974
Kupa`A Ma Hope O Ka `Aina 2001
Lime/limestone scrubbing in a pilot dustraxtor-Key West / 1974
New Hampshire Estuaries Project: Water Quality Funding Sources, 2004. 2004
New source performance standards and national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants plywood-veneer manufacturing source category survey / 1980
Optimizing phosphorus control strategies for the Great Lakes Basin a linear programming approach / 1980
Organic compounds entering ground water from a landfill / 1974
Package water treatment plants : vol. I - a performance evaluation / 1980
Plants for coastal dunes of the Gulf and south Atlantic coasts and Puerto Rico / 1984
Prescription drug use among adults aged 40-79 in the United States and Canada / 2019
Radon Reduction in the Design and Construction of New Schools and Other Large Buildings. 1996
Reaction modeling guide : a user's guide to React and Gtplot : The Geochemist's Workbench(R) release 6.0 / 2005
Reaction modeling guide : the Geochemist's Workbench(R) release 10.0 / 2014
Reaction modeling guide : The Geochemist's Workbench(R) release 7.0 / 2007
Reaction modeling guide : the Geochemist's Workbench(R) release 8.0 / 2009
Reactive transport modeling guide : a user's guide to X1t, X2t, and Xtplot : The Geochemist's Workbench(R) release 6.0 / 2005
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