Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Cooper AND Joseph)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alternatives for small wastewater treatment systems. 1977
An exposure and risk assessment for cyanide / 1981
Benefits of safer drinking water : the value of nitrate reduction / 1997
Human exposures to atmospheric arsenic / 1978
Investigations of existing pressure sewer systems / 1985
Investigations of existing pressure sewer systems / 1985
Measurement of benzene body-burden for populations potentially exposed to benzene in the environment / 1980
Methodology for evaluating the impact and abatement of combined sewer overflows : a case study of Onondaga Lake, New York / 1980
Satellite Estimation of the Surface Energy Balance, Moisture Availability and Thermal Inertia. 1980
Septage management / 1980
Septage treatment and disposal / 1977
Vacuum sewer technology / 1977
Voluntary incentives for reducing agricultural nonpoint source water pollution 1995

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