Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Collette AND Timothy AND W)

Select Item Title Year Published
Determining active oxidant species reacting with organophosphate pesticides in chlorinated drinking water / 2006
Ion chromatographic determination of perchlorate : analysis of fertilizers and related materials / 2001
Multispectral identification and confirmation of organic compounds in wastewater extracts / 1990
Multispectral identification of potentially hazardous byproducts of ozonation and chlorination : project summary / 1991
Multispectral identification of potentially hazardous byproducts of ozonation and chlorination, part 1 : studies of chromatographic and spectrographic properties of MX / 1991
Multispectral identification of potentially hazardous byproducts of ozonation and chlorination. Part I, Studies of chromatographic and spectroscopic properties of MX / 1991
Opioid peptides : medicinal chemistry / 1986
Survey of fertilizers and related materials for perchlorate (CIO4) : final report / 2001

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