Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Cole AND C AND J)

Select Item Title Year Published
'Mycoplasma pneumoniae' Infection: Role of a Surface Protein in the Attachment Organelle. 1982
Agricultural Sources and Sinks of Carbon. 1993
Analysis of Emissions from Outboard Two Cycle Marine Engines. 1975
Effects of Culture Conditions on the Sensitivity of a Phoxocephalid Amphipod, 'Rhepoxynius ambronius' to Cadmium in Sediment. 1988
Experiences in Operating a Full-Scale Granular Activated-Carbon System with On-Site Reactivation. 1983
Experimental investigation of critical fundamental issues in hazardous waste incineration / 1989
Field Evaluation of Low-Emission Coal Burner Technology on Utility Boilers. Volume 4. Alternative Concepts for SOx, NOx, and Particulate Emissions Control from a Fuel-Rich Precombustor. 1989
Fundamental studies of calcium based sorbents for SO2 control from coal-fired boilers / 1987
Fundamental studies of dry injection of calcium-based sorbents for SO2 control in utility boilers / 1989
Fundamental studies of sorbent calcination and sulfation for SO2 control from coal-fired boilers : final report / 1985
Fundamentals studies of sorbent calcination and sulfation for SO2 control from coal-fired boilers / 1985
Ground-water resources of the Middle Rio Grande Basin / 2002
Kinetic modeling of NOx formation and destruction and combustibles burnout / 1988
Kinetic modeling of NOx formation and destruction and combustibles burnout : project summary / 1989
Mechanisms of Nitrous Oxide Formation in Coal Flames. 1989
PCDF formation from PCBs under fire conditions / 1984
Phoxocephalid Amphipod Bioassay for Marine Sediment Toxicity. 1985
Sediment Toxicity, Contamination and Amphipod Abundance at a DDT- and Dieldrin-Contaminated Site in San Francisco Bay. 1994
The condition of tidal wetlands of Washington, Oregon, and California, 2002 / 2007
The Influence of sorbent physical properties upon reactivity with sulfur dioxide / 1988
The Influence of sorbent physical properties upon reactivity with sulfur dioxide / 1987
Thermal degradation products from dielectric fluids / 1984

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