Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 26
Showing: Items 1 - 26

Select Item Title Year Published
An introduction to soils of Pennsylvania / 1982
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K037 : final amendment to. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for organophosphorous wastes. 1989
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for organophosphorus wastes (K036 nonwastewaters) : final amendment to final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for U and P wastes and multi-source leachate volume A wastewater forms of organic U and P wastes and multi-source leachate (F039) for which there are concentration-based treatment standards : final. 1990
Classification of the living mollusca 1989
Description of the Regulatory Process for the San Diego, California Case Study. 1979
Effects of changing the proportions of automotive distillate and gasoline produced by petroleum refining / 1974
Experimental results for phase equilibria and pure component properties / 1991
Feasibility Study of Alternative Fuels and Automotive Transportation. Volume III. Appendices. 1974
Feasibility study of alternative fuels for automotive transportation / 1974
Feasibility Study of Alternative Fuels for Automotive Transportation. Volume II. Technical Section. 1974
Porosity, surface area and particle size effects of CaO reacting with SO2 at 1100êC / 1988
Proposed amendment to best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 15, Background document for K037 / 1989
Proposed amendment to final best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 14, Background document for organophosphorus wastes (K036 nonwastewaters) / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 16, Background document for halogenated pesticide and chlorobenzene, halogenated phenolic, and phenolic wastes / 1989
Results from the Design Institute for Physical Property Data experimental results and data compilation procedures / 1990
Small-hydropower development the process, pitfalls, and experience / 1985
Soil morphologic and hydraulic changes associated with wastewater irrigation : research project technical completion report / 1978
Spill prevention, control and countermeasure practices at small petroleum facilities / 1980
Stationary Source Performance Case Studies, San Diego, California (1971-1978). 1979
Technological innovation : the experimental R & D incentives program / 1977
Toxics Study of the Lower Calcasieu River. 1990
Watershed Planning in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System. Report 3. Toxics Analysis. 1992
Watershed Planning in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System. Report 6 - Use of Information Systems for Developing Subbasin Profiles. 1993
Watershed Planning in the Albermarle-Pamlico Estuarine System. Report 5 - Fishing Practices Mapping. 1992

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