Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10

Select Item Title Year Published
Advisory on EPA's regional vulnerability assessment program / 2005
Breakpoint chlorination/activated carbon treatment : effect on volatile halogenated organics / 1978
Centralized Management of Small Treatment Plants Using Instruments and Remote Alarms. 1987
Chemical and biological survey of Liberty Bay, Washington / 1976
Chemical contaminants in edible, non-salmonid fish and crabs from Commencement Bay, Washington / 1982
Design scale-up suitability for air-stripping columns / 1986
Design scale-up suitability for air-stripping columns : [journal version] / 1986
Feasibility of mass, outdoor cultivation of Gonyaulax catenella 1966
Inter-Laboratory Comparison of a Sediment Toxicity Test Using the Marine Amphipod, 'Rhepoxynius abronius'. 1986
Occurrence of ciguatera-like biotoxin(s) in shellfish from the Gulf of Mexico / 1967

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