Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of zinc in natural water / 1961
Aerometric aspects of New Orleans asthma : fall season 1964 / {by} Richard C. Dickerson, Eleanor G. Sheridan, and John R. O'Connor. 1965
Biologically mediated corrosion and water quality deterioration in distribution systems / 1984
Calculation and use of first-order rate constants for monitored natural attenuation studies / 2002
Chemical and physical character of surface waters of Virginia, 1948-1951, 1957
Debris flows from failures of Neoglacial-age moraine dams in the Three Sisters and Mount Jefferson Wilderness areas, Oregon / 2001
Economic impact analysis of the industrial boilers and process heaters NESHAP. 2004
Effect of Concentration of Adsorbing Solids on the Partition Coefficient. 1981
Evaluation of factors influencing the temporal variation of dissolved oxygen in the New York Bight : phase II / 1981
Evaluation of silicate and phosphate compounds for corrosion control / 1987
Food processing : an industrial powerhouse in transition / 1997
Getting the lead out : the complete resource for preventing and coping with lead poisoning / 2001
Getting the lead out : the complete resource on how to prevent and cope with lead poisoning / 1997
Identification, assessment, and regulation of toxic pollutants under the Clean Air Act. Workshop 1, Hazard assessment toxic and hazardous substances in the Great Lake Basin / 1979
Index of pollutant-induced fish and shellfish disease 1987
Interactions of chronic [gamma] radiation, salinity, and temperature on the morphology of postlarval pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides. 1969
Mathematical modeling of near coastal circulation 1975
Mobile/stationary source contribution to short-term NO2 concentrations in South Coast Air Basin 1976
Preventing breast cancer : the story of a major, proven, preventable cause of this disease / 1996
Removal of virus from public water supplies / 1982
Standard handbook of lubrication engineering. 1968
The effect of drill mud on the free amino acid pool of Acropora cervicornis / 1983
The removal of trace organics from drinking water using activated carbon and polymeric adsorbents / 1981
The removal of trace organics from drinking water using activated carbon and polymeric adsorbents / 1981
The state of Boston Harbor, 1994 : connecting the harbor to its watersheds / 1995
Toxic substance exposure assessment in estuarine systems 1985
Toxic substance exposure assessment in estuarine systems 0
Trace metals in water supplies occurrence, significance, and control : proceedings / 1974
TSCA handbook 1989
TSCA handbook / 2006
Water treatment plant performance evaluations and operations / 2009
Who owns the sun? : people, politics, and the struggle for a solar economy / 1996

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