Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15

Select Item Title Year Published
Characterization of Chemical Waste Site Contamination and Determination of Its Extent Using Bioassays. 1986
Computer Survey of GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) Data Acquired in EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency) Priority Pollutant Screening Analysis: System and Results. 1983
Ecological functions of off-channel habitat, Willamette River, Oregon : final research plan / 1997
Enhanced Spectrum Matching of Mixed Mass Spectra by Means of Quality Factors. 1984
Evaluation of Automated Spectrum Matching for Survey Identification of Wastewater Components by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. 1982
Exposure Analysis Modeling System (EXAMS) : user manual and system documentation / 1982
Exposure Analysis Modeling System (EXAMS) : user manual and system documentation / 2000
Exposure Analysis Modeling System : reference manual for EXAMS II / 1985
Forest health monitoring : 1991 Georgia indicator evaluation and field study. 1994
Kinetics of Chemical Degradation of Malathion in Water. 1976
Methods of Assessing Responses of Trees, Stands and Ecosystems to Air Pollution (Chapter 7). 1992
Modification of the Neubauer Technique to Assess Toxicity of Hazardous Chemicals in Soils. 1985
Monitoring design for riparian forests in the Pacific Northwest : research plan / 1997
Numerical Approximation of Semi-Integrals and Semiderivatives by Product Quadrature Rules. 1982
Rates of Direct Photolysis in Aquatic Environment. 1977

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