Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19

Select Item Title Year Published
A description of the trophic status and nutrient loading for Lake George, New York / 1975
CLEANER, the Lake George model / 1974
Distribution of metals in lake sediments of the Adirondack region of New York State / 1975
Lake George site overview : progress in ecosystems analysis for the Lake George IBP site, 1971-1972 : a final report for Union Carbide Subcontract no. 3808 for the Eastern Deciduous Forest Biome, IBP, Lake George Site / 1973
Lake George site overview : progress report for FY 1970-1971 / 1972
Lake George site research overview for the Eastern Deciduous Forest Biome, U.S. International Biological Program, September 1973 - August 1974 / 1975
Lake George site synthesis, 1974-1975 : [preliminary] / 1975
Means for protecting the drinking water quality of Lake George, New York / 1977
Municipal point source nitrogen loadings to the Chesapeake Bay drainage basin 1987
Nutrient removal and sludge disposal within septic systems, phase III : interim report / 1974
Organic nutrient factors effecting algal growths / 1973
Organic nutrient factors effecting algal growths / 1973
Seasonal variations in the purification of treatment plant effluent in natural sand deposits / 1976
Sources and distribution of trace metals in aquatic environments 1974
Sources and sinks of nitrogen and phosphorus : water quality management of Lake George (N.Y.) / 1972
Studies on the chemistry of orthophosphate and polyphosphate removal with ferric chloride : a preliminary report / 1967
Thirty-five years of continuous discharge of secondary treated effluent onto sand beds / 1974
Thirty-five years of use of a natural sand bed for polishing a secondary treated effluent / 1973
Waste sites as biological reactors : characterization and modeling / 2003

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