Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13

Select Item Title Year Published
Carbon reactivation by externally-fired rotary kiln furnace / 1980
Demineralization of carbon-treated secondary effluent by spiral-wound reverse osmosis process / 1978
Demineralization of sand-filtered secondary effluent by spiral-wound reverse osmosis process / 1977
Demineralization of wastewater by electrodialysis / 1975
Effect of pretreatment on the filtration of low turbidity secondary effluent / 1980
Independent physical-chemical treatment of raw sewage / 1977
Two-stage granular activated carbon treatment / 1978
Wastewater dechlorination state-of-the-art field survey and pilot studies / 1981
Wastewater dechlorination state-of-the-art field survey and pilot studies / 1981
Wastewater dechlorination state-of-the-art field survey and pilot studies [Microfiche] / 1981
Wastewater demineralization by continuous counter-current ion exchange process / 1977
Wastewater demineralization by tubular reverse osmosis process / 1978
Wastewater demineralization by two-stage fixed-bed ion exchange process / 1977

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