Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23

Select Item Title Year Published
Adipic Acid Enhanced Limestone Flue Gas Desulfurization Process: An Assessment. 1981
Bench-scale evaluation of calcium sorbents for acid gas emission control / 1989
Capstone report on the development of a standard test method for VOC emissions from interior latex and alkyd paints 2001
Characterization of low-voc latex paints / 1999
Characterization of low-voc latex paints:volatile organic compound content, VOC and aldehyde emissions, and paint performance : final report / 1999
Characterization of VOC emissions from an alkyd paint / 1997
Consequences of prolonged inhalation of ozone on Fisher-344/N rats, collaborative studies. 1994
Effect of scrubbing operating conditions on adipic acid degradation / 1981
Effect of scrubbing operating conditions on adipic acid degradation / 1981
Effectiveness of vacuum cleaning on fungally contaminated duct materials / 1997
Emissions of odorous aldehydes from alkyd paint 1998
Evaluation of FGD dry injection sorbents and additives. project summary / Volume 1, Development of high reactivity sorbents [microform] : 1990
Evaluation of FGD dry injection sorbents and additives. Volume 1, Development of high reactivity sorbents / 1989
Evaluation of FGD injection sorbents and additives. project summary / Volume 2, Pilot plant evaluation of high reactivity sorbents : 1990
Fungal emission reates and their impact on indoor air / 1997
Investigating the influence of relative humidity, air velocity, and amplification on the emission rates of fungal spores / 1999
Mercury speciation and capture. / 2003
Pilot evaluation of enhanced E-SOx process / 1990
Pilot plant tests of chloride ion effects on wet FGD system performance / 1984
Pilot plant tests of chloride ion effects on wet FGD system performance / 1984
Review of FDG system operation and process controls 1979
Scale effects in hydraulic model tests of rock protected structures / 1970
Susceptibility of fiberglass duct liner to fungal (Penicillium chrysogenum) growth / 1998

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